Monday, February 17, 2020

Thread Explains Why Kids Should be Taught to Respect Pets

Tumblr thread explains why parents need to teach their kids to respect pets | ANAEINT DĂșn Laoghaire K9, LLC June 13, 2016 Instagram O HAIRE R Prime example NOT allow. Eventually will come head and dog will have enough. This child will be injured and this dog will be labeled aggressive and rehomed or likely euthanized. Stop allowing children mistreat dogs s not cute s not funny s not playful s dangerous and stupid dog and child pay consequences parents lack common sense.

If it didn't seem obvious before why kids need to be taught not to screw around with animals, this thread goes into a lot of detail as to why nobody wins when a kid angers a pet. A dog can't exactly say "quit poking me in the eye" without seeing a bit threatening. For some lighter stuff, here are professional dogs who take their work seriously as well as sleeping dogs in silly positions.

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