Monday, February 17, 2020

Costco Parking Lot Standoff Ends In Petty Revenge

A competition over a parking space in Costco parking lot ends up resulting in a swift and satisfying petty revenge | lady almost hit front my car trying pull into parking spot turning into so just sat there. So l'm at Costco need dog food, and 's ridiculously busy Monday. Barely any parking spots until spot one at end lot make my way down aisle, and am about turn into parking spot lady RUNS OVER CURB and almost hits take spot. Thankfully tapped my brakes time or she would have taken off my

We love a good old-fashioned petty revenge. People can get very passionate about securing their parking lot spaces. It can really turn into a battlefield out there. In this case, the lady that overstepped and almost put the other couple in harm's way, ended up getting her just deserts. Beautiful touch with the cart in the parking space. 

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