Monday, February 17, 2020

Entitled Karen Steals Co-Worker's Snacks, Revenge Note Ensues

Entitled "Karen" steals her co-worker's snacks until a petty revenge note is written | reddit post r/pettyrevenge votedog woman at work stealing my snack drawer knew exactly who she only one who had seen where put them. This woman pain: opinionated, gossipy, lazy, and just all around drama call her Karen knew if approached her, she'd deny get all butt hurt and make scene. Sol let go.

This case of "Karen" being an entitled and inconsiderate individual ends in one satisfying, petty revenge. The co-worker had had enough of their snacks being stolen, so they left a special note for Karen to find next time she went to eat snacks that weren't her's. Sounds like it worked and that Karen will have to start buying snacks of her own. 

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