Monday, February 17, 2020

Girl Crop Dusts Cave, Activates Karen, Tour Guide Suffers

Guy crop dusts a cave, and ends up arousing the suspicions of a Karen in his tour group | taking cave tour and one those really tight places with horrible name like 'Fat man's death' and all hell is brewing my gut. Audible growling like hellhounds begging be freed, loud enough people next get shifty eyed wtf look.

A good old-fashioned crop dust. Yes, she subjected the rest of her fellow cave tourists to the smells of whatever her body was working through. She also activated the group's resident "Karen." From there, the downfall was swift. Karen ultimately asked the poor tour guide to get up to date on their knowledge of sulfur deposits in the cave. If only Karen knew. Those silent farts can pack the most powerful punch, indeed. 

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Tagged: FAIL , tourists , tifu , Reddit , funny , karen

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