Wednesday, May 17, 2023

'You will not be eligible to be rehired': Employer attempts to decrease turnover by increasing resignation requirements under thread

At the end of the day, you can't just make it harder for people to quit to prevent them from doing so. You'd be better off putting the time and energy into fixing company culture and decreasing turnover. Yet, where there's a bad idea to be had, there's a manager somewhere looking to champion it with zealous vigor, abandoning it only after things go totally sideways and pretending that nothing ever happened.

It's no secret that the medical sector is currently struggling for staff, with low staffing levels leading to intense hours and a higher burnout rate for those who remain—leading to even higher turnover. It's not surprising that companies might be frantically trying to devise strategies to retain staff while they try to increase overall levels… but maybe instating ridiculous notice periods under threat of ostracization from the industry isn't the way to go about it. How about improving compensation and working conditions for those workers instead?

Hey—at least it's not another pizza party!!

This poster shared that their friend works as a medical scribe and recently received this correspondence from their company advising them of changes to the company's notice periods. The policy extends notice to 30 or 45 days and advises that failure to follow the policy will result in a host of repercussions designed to hurt workers' chances of finding another job within the industry.

Read on for screenshots of the correspondence and readers' reactions and advice. Next, check out this plumber who quit without notice for a massive raise.

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