Tuesday, June 7, 2022

23 Women Share Things Men Have Done That Creeped Them Out Without Realizing It

As a dude in society, it's pretty easy to not be terrifically creepy. As long as you're at least minimally attentive and don't speak in threats, you're already most of the way there.

Sure, it's easy to get signals mixed up when talking to someone and say the wrong thing. But at the same time, there are almost no times when meeting a stranger that it'll ever be appropriate to say something like "if you disappeared right now no one would ever find out." But still, it happens all the time. And since there are total creeps out there, everyone's rightfully on their guard all the time, and it just makes it that much harder for those of us who don't end every social interaction with "I bought you a drink, you owe me a hug." So here are some things dudes did that creeped women out.

For some real "nice guy" wildness, here's the delusional nice guy who went bananas on his engaged coworker.

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