Friday, May 27, 2022

40 Humorous Tweets Spawned From The Twitterverse

What's your favorite flavor of collective unconscious? There's cute internet, funny internet, angry internet, sad internet, weird internet, and so-far-gone-you-shouldn't-even-try-to-get-it internet among many others. And when Twitter isn't being a verbal battleground of some of the worst hot takes you've ever seen, it can be a terrifically fanciful place to see some jokes you've never seen or considered before. So, y'know, ups and downs. The internet is like a box of chocolates that's been sitting in a car on a hot day. You never know what you're going to get, and it's all kind of amorphous and a little gross, and it's hard to parse out one thing from the next, but you know that that's not gonna stop you from eating it anyway.

The internet. It was this or flying cars. And every day a lot of us wish we could have had a flying car instead. Here are some more funny tweets from the wide world of twitter.

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