Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Teacher Accused Of Time Theft, Turns Out School Owes Them 10 Times As Much

Most employees are way too used to having their contract used against them. Whenever someone is asked to sign something without being given the time to read it, we're rightfully, deeply suspicious that there could be some stipulation folded into the legalese that says our boss could eat our lunch out of the fridge and that we're contractually obligated to provide them with a lobster bib. It's just so much reading.

So when we hear about times someone's contract was actually used to help them stand up to their jerk boss, it's a good time.

A contract disagreement led this teacher to be confronted with a piece of paper saying that they owed their employer money based on misreporting of hours. This caused someone to look into his certifications and realize that he'd actually been underpaid the whole time.

For another tale, here's the teacher who was told to quit their second job, so they quit their teaching job.

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