Friday, May 12, 2023

'I don’t owe you an explanation': People with disabilities share their stories of Karen encounters

Karens are Karens to everybody, no one is safe. Unfortunately, if you have something that they don't understand, it makes you even more of a target to entitled Karens. So this is bad news for people with disabilities, especially people with a disability that isn't immediately visible. Karens aren't going to do any research on any disability and yet they will still act like they went to medical school. 

A person who is legally blind took to Reddit as an outlet to share a frustrating story of a Karen encounter he had. He was waiting in line to get a coffee, when a Karen tried to take advantage of his blindness and cut in front of him. The thing is, he can partially see some things, and he for sure noticed this entitled person trying to cut in front of him. The audacity and rudeness of that is just insane. However, the Karen decided to take it even further and went to his table, sat right in front of him, and started asking him about his blindness, as if she were entitled to an explanation on why she got caught pulling an a-hole move. 

The post seemed to be a pretty relatable story to people with disabilities and many took to the comment section to add their own Karen encounter story. Scroll on to read them below! 

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