Thursday, December 31, 2020

Painfully Dumb Questions That Introverts Are Asked

Introverted Twitter users are banding together to share their best lot of painfully dumb questions that they're just plain old tired of being asked. For people that already need time to recharge, these kinds of questions are especially excruciating. 


Text - April @AprilLloyd90 Them: "Your phone is ringing." Me: "I don't recognise the number, and I am not expecting a call..." Them: "So why don't you answer it and find out?" #StupidQuestionsForlntroverts


Text - A Bartlett Photo @PhotoBartlett Why don't you come down the pub? There'll be loads of us there. #StupidQuestionsForlntroverts


Text - Alisun Jane @AlisunJane Are you upset our plans got cancelled? #StupidQuestionsForlntroverts


Text - Moiself @ReniRenz2 Why are you quiet? #StupidQuestionsForlntroverts


Text - PunDM C ENDIT @_pundmc INE A LIGHT ON SLAVER "It must be boring being home by yourself." #StupidQuestionsForlntroverts


Text - Leslie @uptodahouse "Why are you always in your room?" Or "Why do you never leave the house?" #StupidQuestionsForlntroverts


Text - Regina DeMita @DemitaRegina How can you call yourself an introvert, you seem so outgoing! #StupidQuestionsForlntroverts


Text - Amy Steward @amyoutrageous The worst question: "Why are you so quiet?" Answer: because I don't like talking if I have nothing to add and I don't like interrupting people. If I tell them why, they've already stopped listening or decided to tell me why l'm quiet. #StupidQuestionsForlntroverts


Text - Rewdalf @Rewdalf "Why won't you just call them and order the damn pizza?" #StupidQuestionsForlntroverts

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