Thursday, December 31, 2020

Parent Forgets What Day It Is, Thinks Kid Got Taken

This parent had a rough night of sleep, and proceeded to fall into such a mental fog that they forgot what day it was, and literally forget that their kid was at school. The pure panic that they must've endured upon waking up from that deep slumber, and assuming that their kid had been taken must've been the stuff of nightmares. 


Text - r/tifu + JOIN u/Crazycatdood • 12d TIFU by falling asleep on the job and forgetting what day it is BACKSTORY: I have mild insomnia, falling asleep isn't that hard it's STAYING asleep that escapes me. So in a flash of brilliance on my part I decided to drink some ZzzQuil because it was 3 am and I might


Text - have had a solid 30 minutes of sleep? I have work in a few hours, yay. In a second stroke of genius I was going to be productive while it kicks in and I went out to the store to grab some groceries I needed and even picked up a water vaporizer as I heard it may help me sleep a little more comfortably. With my new water vaporizer cranked up, a full belly thanks to the garbage food I found at the checkout line, and being dosed by myself earlier I promptly conk out until my shift starts.


Text - ALSO BACKSTORY: I have the luxury of working at home around the holidays as long as I plan to have something I can actually do while out of the office. Well things have been terribly slow due to the holidays and year end stuff so rather than work from the office and do nothing, I opted to work from home and do nothing!! THE F UP: Well the story begins by me getting up, log in,


Text - yadda yadda work starts. Thinking I am oh so clever and using a macro to keep my screen from going asleep so I have the appearance of being online and available for all your customer service needs! This also allows me to hear the DING of any incoming emails. Cool idea or what? That leaves me free to do anything I wish as long as I keep an ear out for the emails, NO PROBLEM BOSS! So after maybe 30 minutes of browsing reddit and picking my nose a bit, I decided that I was gonna lay on my be


Text - Anyways, I keep my door closed so my family (mainly the kid and cats) not interrupt my uh, "VERY IMPORTANT" work. As I was laying there I was aware someone opened the door to let my kitty out for breakfast, no biggie, anyone is welcome to come and go if they can be quiet when I am on the phone. That is the last thing I remember before completely conking out. I wake up about 2 hours later surprising myself, I hardly ever sleep that long in a shot at night let alone after catching a few Z's


Text - (no I am not sponsored by them but if anyone can make that happen slide into my DM's). I get up and sure enough no emails, still nothing NOTHING. I get up and I call out for my daughter to make sure she's up and fed. No response. I then check her room, the couch the kitchen.... then her room, my room, bathroom, her room, the couch, the kitchen, the attic, the basement. I kept calling out her name quickly becoming distraught, this is a very bad joke I am telling her and she needs to come o


Text - time attic to basement, not there. In order to make this a bit more readable I will do what happens next in list form. (also sorry I suck at writing) • Still in my PJS out in the freezing cold of a winter morning, frost still on the grass and cars Trun to the neighbors bang on doors, check her friends house, nobody answering me and dread is rising.


Text - Called 911 - the whole deal, car sent out - rolls up on me banging on doors and follows me to the house to help look again. • Checking in cabinets under beds in dark corners of the basement, shed, neighbors shed. Anywhere we can think of! • Call her mother to make sure she didn't pick her up for some reason or if she went somewhere with her older sister. NOPE Mom calls back after checking with older sister, no answer from her since she is at school, does daughter have school? Daughter can


Text - The cop and my brother stare at me as things start to sink into place. I forgot what day it was. • The cop rides down to verify and I am on my phone getting upset over the stupid slow auto answer prompts and sure enough I am able to verify she was at school. Cop calls a few minutes later and told me she came to tell me but thought I was sleeping so she just left. SO THAT'S WHO OPENED THE DOOR TO LET THE CAT OUT.


Text - TAM SUCH A MORON. Cop offered to send an ambulance to ensure my impending heart attack didn't kill me. TLDR:I fell asleep and forgot what day it was and called the cops because my kid went to school and I thought she was missing.

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