Friday, January 1, 2021

Ways People Rebelled Against Unfair School Rules

School is typically your first opportunity in life to be done dirty by an uncaring monolith with corrupt administration, so it's no wonder it can be a place of rebellion. People remember when teachers are unfair, and come up with some clever ways to flout the rules.


Text - PM2503 5.9k points · 21 hours ago The canteen stopped selling sachets of red sauce due to the mess some kids were making. My friend carried a huge bottle of red sauce in his bag for at least a month and provided illegal red sauce for the cost of 5p per squirt. made a fortune.


Text - BagsOfCowSnot 31.3k points · 20 hours ago 3 Back in the 1980's there was one kid in my school was hardcore into the punk scene. Had a bright blue, 6" high, razor thin, stand-up-straight mohawk. The principal gave him detention for being a distraction, etc. and his parting words that day were "And more blue mohawk!" The next day the kid came in with the same mohawk, only bright pink.


Text - 6lesbianlover9 29.6k points · 21 hours ago 02 No hats in school. In high school junior year, There was this one kid in my grade that was allowed to due to him having Alopecia Universalis, which is basically having rapid baldness. A new teacher wasn't aware that he was allowed to and asked him to take it off. The kid explained why he was able to, but the sub didn't believe him, forced him to take it off, and was being very cruel to him for wearing the hat/his lack of hair. The next day, ev


Text - banjolier 26.8k points · 19 hours ago O Senior year, my school banned jackets. A friend was cold, wore his jacket to lunch, and the VP told him to take it off. Friend pulls out the student handbook and asked where it said he couldn't wear it. VP flips for a while and ends up showing him the, "...or anything the adminstration seems disruptive," clause. Friend rolls his eyes but takes off his coat. The next day, friend comes in with the same tweed sport coat the VP wore every day.


Text - Link-to-the-Pastiche 24.3k points · 22 hours ago · edited 18 hours ago I was at a private school that had rules about the length of boys hair. One guy in particular always ignored the rule and the administration would tell him to get a hair cut every so often, but he never did. Eventually when his hair got about down to his shoulders the principal pulled him aside and told him his hair was twice the allowed length and by next week it needed to be shortened by half. Monday rolls around and


Text - biggins9227 23.1k points · 22 hours ago After 9/11 my school made a rule where we had to wear our school ids. They went overboard quick handing out detention to anyone who didn't wear one. One kid had his ID blown up and put on a shirt. On the back it said "yes I'm wearing my f*cking ID". He got detention for not wearing it with the shirt.


Text - the-bryman 21.2k points · 20 hours ago · edited 16 Last day of senior year, we started a food fight at lunch. And by food fight, I mean we drew angry faces on an orange and an apple, then faced them toward each other, made a big circle around them, and we all reacted like we were watching a fight. All the security guards ran to break up the fight, only to make their way to the middle of the circle to find two pieces of fruit sitting on the ground.


Text - Parallel37 5.0k points · 22 hours ago Our school collectively hijacked an assembly by singing along to Journey's don't stop believing after the teachers forgot to turn off autoplay on Youtube.


Text - SavageSquanto 3.1k points · 20 hours ago S There was a presentation on vaping last year by some poor woman from an advocacy group or something. After every sentence, or whenever she paused, the whole assembly (all 300 kids in my grade) would give a massive standing ovation. We weren't stopped until we had done it like 15 times


Text - dirtybirds233 13.4k points · 22 hours ago Friend was told in high school by his guidance counselor not to waste his time applying to his dream school because he wouldn't get in. He got pissed off and went to the principal, who told him it was the counselor's job to give her best opinion, so he trusts whatever she says. He applied anyways, and got in. He took the acceptance letter, made a copy, and taped them to both the principal and counselor's door with "thanks for nothing!" written on


Text - ThadisJones 13.1k points · 21 hours ago · edited 13 hours ago We had an awful Spanish teacher in middle school who collectively punished the class by making us write the same sentence a hundred times over in detention. On one of these occasions my friend and I asked her if we could type our detention in the computer lab (this was when computers in schools were a New Thing) so we could improve our "typing speed", and she said yes. Anyway we didn't do much typing but did learn how to write


Text - Text - AnEnigma1 12.5k points · 21 hours ago When I was in high school, there was a rule implemented that if you showed up late to school, you had to go to the front office to get a detention slip. You would then have to give it to the teacher for that period, who would then mark it down, and you were required to go to lunch detention for that day. I figured out by the third slip that literally no one cared: teachers, security, or students. So when I was subsequently late for the rest of


Text - mercyphoenix 12.3k points · 21 hours ago · edited 17 hours ago When I was in grade 7, our last class of the day, students would always bring in snacks. Our lunch shift was way too early in the day, so by the end of the school day we'd all be feeling hungry. And we were all told by our teacher that if we didn't have enough to share we couldn't eat in the classroom. One day, almost all of us brought in enough food to share, even with the students that didn't bring anything in. We even synch


Text - mama_o000 11.5k points · 22 hours ago guy was wearing shoes against the uniform policy and was ask to put on shoes from lost property, he went around school barefoot all day.


Text - backafterdeleting 11.4k points · 20 hours ago · edite We had a french teacher who was really bad and most people barely tolerated. It happened a few times that whoever arrived first would stand outside her door as if waiting for her to show up and unlock it, and the rest of the class would just queue up behind them pretending to believe them. Meanwhile the teacher would just be sitting inside wondering where her class was.


Text - Acceptable-Living 10.7k points · 23 hours ago Last year our school fetched in a ban on backpacks and bags in general since they were apparently a "safety hazard" two days later some guy in my yeargroup comes in carrying his books and pencil case in a microwave. Dude made national news


Text - ToastedMaple 10.3k points · 22 hours ago A kid was passing notes, and the teacher caught him and insisted he had to give the note so she could read it outloud. He ate the note.


Text - Mostlyaverageish 9.8k points · 22 hours ago One of my class mates got sent to the office for wearing "gang" colors. Because he has a red marine corp bandana tied to his back pack. The rest of the year he wore a pin stripe suite with vest and carried a fedora.


Text - Beakerguy 9.2k points · 20 hours ago My daughters both went to a Catholic high school. My younger one had a bit of a wild streak. The girls were required to wear a skirt every day to school. My daughter did not care for this rule and wore her skirt around her head one day since the dress code required the students to wear a skirt, just not where. I was told that she was wearing spandex underneath. That's how my daughter got a new rule in her high school dress code.


Text - PanickedPoodle 8.2k points · 22 hours ago My high school was always issuing new dress code rules for the girls. Mini skirts had to be longer than your arm, no tube tops, etc. One day, all the boys dressed in drag, breaking all the rules. No violation because the dress code specified only girls.


Text - mg0019 8.1k points · 20 hours ago Elementary school had a ban on extreme hair colors. My brother shows up with firetruck red hair. Principle stops us both as we're entering the school and she's going off on my brother. She's berating him, saying "who do you know that has red hair like that?" Without skipping a beat, "Ronald McDonald." Principle just grabbed him drug him into the office. My 4th grade brain was in shock that he just one upped a grown up like that. She called my dad and he p


Text - the_real_Phoenix 7.9k points · 22 hours ago Okay so we need to have clear backpacks, right? This kid puts quite the vulgar image depicting the counselor on one of his notebooks and packs it against the edges of the pack.


Text - Slappy_Hamster 7.3k points · 20 hours ago 3 In my private school boys were required to wear a collared shirt. It really wasn't enforced, until one day it was. I was wearing a sweater without a collared shirt underneath and I had to go back to the dorm and change. I argued that I didn't look ratty or underdressed at all, but they said rules were rules. The next day I wore a white T-Shirt with a collar (cut off from one of my older shirts) stapled to it. It looked terrible, but rules are ru


Text - Text - ObedientProle 7.2k points · 21 hours ago S This was prior to smartphones circa 2002. One of my classmates was a regular class clown. He would buy brownies in the cafeteria and roll them up in his hand so they looked like a convincing piece of poo. He would then do all sorts of antics with this poo. Put it on seats throw it at people what have you. Obviously the school staff caught on and he got in trouble. This guy didn't go quietly though. He was required to sit alone at lunch for


Text - ElGuapo22 7.1k points · 20 hours ago I went to a Catholic grade school growing up that had a strict boys hair length policy. It couldn't touch the collar of your shirt and I wanted long hair. So the principal came in one day to talk to the class, when she was leaving the room she called me out for my long hair in front of my classmates. My response was to point to the cross hanging above the door and said "Jesus had long hair." She didn't know what to say right away and seemed embarrassed

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