Saturday, September 26, 2020

Student's Super Smash Bros Business Project Spirals Out Of Control

This student's business project that involved people competing on Super Smash Bros really ended up taking on a life of its own. It escalated to such an extent that they ultimately found themselves being shunned, and suspended from school. Pretty wild that it evolved into a "gambling ring." Whoops. 


Text - TIFU By starting an illegal money laundering and gambling ring at my highschool. This all started when I was in my second last year of highschool, the FU happened towards the end of the semester. Just an FYI, at the time, I never knew that gambling outside of casinos was illegal.


Text - So as an elective, I took a business class where we learn about entrepreneurship, and for the semester's project- create a business plan, product or service, and sell it in the cafeteria all day every thursday until the end of the semester Me, along with my group decided to bring 2 wii consoles, and bring super smash bros to let students play in the cafeteria for $2. All money made would be taken and given to charity of our class' choice.


Text - The day before we got to sell our products in the cafeteria. our school admins gave us a policy that to use the cafeteria, we had to rent it out for $200, which would be deducted from our revenue at the end of the year. If you could not break even, then you yourself had to pay for the use of the caf from your own pocket. All money taken from rent would be taken by the school and used for the athletic and art programs. I thought that it was absolutely scummy to do something like that the d


Text - I proposed to my group that in order to make more money, we should hold tournaments, selling for $4, we'd take half of that money, and put the rest of the money into a pool for the tournament winner to take.


Text - On the first day of selling, we made $160, the game was selling like hotcakes. Unlike other groups, who had to waste money on expenses to sell their products, we were literally running at 0 cost, and were able to sell twice as fast as any group.


Text - Next thursday we implemented a new strategy, since we had 2 wiis, we used one to play regular game matches for $2 to record on our profits (you had to record students ID and signatures each time they bought ur product), and then hold (what I now know as wagering) tournament matches and allow people to bet as much money as they wanted, the winner would get double of what they paid. To get around paying double to tournament winners, we hired this legit pro super smash bros dude, who used a


Text - he'd talk so much trash, and "put in" so much money, that we literally had line ups so that people could play against the champ. To give you an idea of what was happening, someone paid $30 in wager, made his way all the way up to play against the champ, lost, and basically lost $30.


Text - We made so much money that day, we actually split the money between us 4 group members equally to pocket, we still had so much that we spent it on making an actual stand for our station, we bought a whiteboard to display every tournament winner of every tournament played. Everyday people would bring their own remotes to play against this dude, and he'd win almost every time. The games he lost, he'd just double down and win the money back for us. The trade off for the pro was a crowd to pl


Text - With all the extra money we weren't pocketing, I tried to make it look as "money made" for the group, we bought wii skins, and button grips for controllers for students to buy as to make that money look as if it was earned legitimately, I knew that it was somewhat wrong to be laundering money like that, but our group was set on that A+, we were making good money for ourselves, and I'm 99% sure none of us knew that gambling itself was illegal, because none of us spoke up. Our teacher prais


Text - I used all the money we were making to start buying new clothes, shoes, and stuff for myself, so did my group members. Our teacher started getting suspicious of this because (According to her) she was tipped off that we were making much more money then we should be. She questioned where we got the money to buy wii remote skins and button grips, that's when shit really hit the fan.


Text - The head of the business department launched a full on investigation into our group, they found out about our secret wagering matches. They also found out about how we were laundering money to be part of profits in our spreadsheet. A bunch of students came forward tattling on the pro player we basically hired to "fix matches" so that we'd earn more money. I didn't even realize how bad it all sounded until our teacher said all of it out loud. My group was taken to the office and were told


Text - We had in school suspension for 3 days, and were ultimately out-of-school suspended for 3 days. I think the only reason they didn't go farther is because we never admitted to pocketing money that we laundered or the money we pocketed from the wager matches, and since money made off of these factors were never officially documented, they weren't able to really pin evidence on us.


Text - When I got back to school, they cancelled the project altogether, and instead of the project, we had a test in place of it. Everyone in our class was pissed off at us, and the majority of the school pretty much looked down on our group for the remainder of my HS career. I was only remembered as the POS con man who stole money from students for personal gain. Someone even made an IG page w/ the username "futurewhitecollarcriminals", and had my face and everyone involved in the scandal post

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