Saturday, September 26, 2020

"And Everyone Clapped" Stories

Sometimes strange things happen that just plain old defy people's expectations, and the result is a steady round of applause. These stories might just put a grin on your face, and make you feel better about any moments you've had where you did something silly, and everyone around you proceeded to clap about it. I mean, hey, just take the applause and roll with it. 


Text - aveave5 • 14h My high school hosted a talent show every year and each act had a limit of 3-5 mins. One kid was doing karate and this whole dance routine with it. We all loved this because before him there was about a million people singing and we were all very bored. We all thought it was good and enjoyed it but then his music stopped and he motioned for them to keep going. (He had already been at this for about 5 mins). Teacher and stuff were trying to tell him he needed to leave and get


Text - b_wald81 • 15h I was driving some friends home from a christmas party when we hit some black ice, sending the car careening sideways down a 180° offramp. I saved it, and got the damned thing stopped, pointing in the right direction and in our lane, by the time we got to the bottom of the ramp. There was no clapping, but there was cheering.


Text - sethmod • 14h Was being inducted into the national honor society in high school, and had to sit in front of the whole school during the ceremony. I was so nervous I didn't want to move, so kept my legs crossed. Leg fell asleep, they called my name to come up. I nearly fell down when I tried to put weight on it (again, in front of the entire school). I manage to stumble to the front, where a senior is ready to read off my accomplishments. He puts his arm around me and literally holds me up


Text - father4future • 14h Took a small role in my high school production of West Side Story to get over my fear of public speaking. Show night comes and one of the gang members (Shark or Jet - I don't remember) gets down on one knee to deliver his line to me with his fly wide open (unbeknownst to him). He had a dumb look on his face because he was mocking me (Officer Krupke) as part of the scene. The whole thing got the better of me and I lost it (laughing) when I tried to deliver my 2 simple l


Text - Dum_Cumpster • 14h I was at a "lock in" at my fencing center, and to pass the time we had a bunch of video games to play, typically we just played SSBM but Rockband had recently come out and everyone was still infatuated with it. I had been playing guitar hero for years before RB ever came out so I was relatively proficient, could play all songs comfortably on expert. We played a bunch of different songs with varied results, no one was doing anything that impressive though. At some point


Text - pmmeurmoney • 15h I was at mass last sunday and an announcer at the beginning was like "please stop clapping at the end of the mass, please respect the solemnity of lent", but at the end of the mass almost everybody still clapped.


Text - marriedwithpets • 12h Did a 5k race dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz last October...everyone (race volunteers, people that have already finished, and spectators) were all mildly cheering as folks approached/crossed the finish line, but about two dozen feet from the end I started skipping like I was on the yellow brick road and off to see the Wizard! It was like a Munchkinland farewell| because the vague cheers turned into ROARS AND THUNDERING APPLAUSE. I was Dorothy Gale and I jus


Text - TorrontesChardonnay • 15h 3 2 Awards I was bullied fairly badly at school, one day while playing table football at break time one of the twats started on me. Basically started shouting at me till he went red, threatened to beat me up so I told him to go through with it. He pushed me, so I picked him up onto my shoulder one handed. Walked out the door threw him to the floor, locked the door after and he had to walk the whole way round the school. Pretty much everyone around me cheered, he


Text - StrangePondWoman 12h I was at a showing of Rocky Horror at a friend's college; it was my third time at one, but my first time at THAT one. I quickly learned the things you yell at the screen during the film may be regional. As the movie's (arguable) climax, a character is turned into marble statue where one breast is noticeably larger than the other. Prepared from my past two showings and confident from my success shouting in unison with strangers, I bellowed 'NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A BLT


Text - Freeagnt • 11h Many years ago, I was at a SF Giants game at Candlestick Park. This was back when they were owned by a man named Bob Lurie, who was trying to sell the team to Florida. The game went into extra innings and ended up tying the record for the longest extra inning game ever played there. It was so late in the evening, they were showing "Late Night with Dave Letterman" on the big screen, in between innings. Seeing Letterman reminded me of this bit he once did involving the owner


Text - JamesofBerkeley • 14h We had to do an end of the school year speech in my 12th grade English class, and I wrote a very cliched "time to grow up" -style speech and actually practiced it, so it wasn't an 'um' filled presentation and then at the end people clapped, about 10% more than the obligatory applause that everyone's speech got. And I still talk about it, 19 years later, for internet points. Now I get paid to talk to people. "Sir, this is a Wendy's"


Text - Jakov_Salinsky • 15h Me and 3 friends performed "Chop Suey" by System of a Down for a school talent show, finally giving me the opportunity to show off my awesome drum skills. We were only an honorable mention but we still got a standing ovation and pretty much became the fan-favorite performance of the night. Plus, everyone clapped again when our band boarded the bus to get pizza.


Text - bighonkinstiffer • 13h In trucking school this past month I struggled to learn manual... got frustrated as fuck and started getting depressed that l'd never get to truckin. After a few days of grinding and frustration I went to sleep... woke up next morning and got back in. The other student learning with me was in back... i shifted, next gear.. next gear, button flip 6th gear.. downshifted revved and did a double down made a turn and went back to shifting... round and round I went... ins


Text - Freshman year in college, life is good, oldest professor in campus (50 years teaching) was a serious hardass and I handle stress with humor, so one day he comes into the classroom with his zipper down, people start chuckling and he proceeds with his class up to a point where he puts his foot on a chair to rest his leg, making the zipper gap wider, chick on the seat closest to it turns red as a beet and people chuckle again. I raise my hand and he points at me, I ask him to come closer, he


Text - SeriousPomegranate • 15h I went to a wiggles concert and they sung rock a bye your bear. And everybody clapped.


Text - DarkHoneyPot • 15h True story: I used to constantly cut class in high school. One day, for whatever reason, I showed up to English class. Just my luck it's midterm time. I take the test. The next week when I showed up, late of course, I walked in and everyone started clapping. I'm like wth. Turns out I not only got the highest score in the class but also the whole school. My teacher was so proud and really took a personal interest in me after that. He would give me books to read all the t


Text - llcucf80 • 15h I work at a hotel on the Florida coast. While they don't do the shuttles anymore, back in the day they used to, and we were close enough to the Space Center where you could see them lifting off from the beach. It was so cool to see, especially the night launches (they'd light up the entire sky), and everyone would clap, applaud, cheer, etc.


Text - imafuzzyblanket • 15h Our musical director had my friend practice pronouncing a word correctly in front of the entire cast. It took a few tries. We all waited. He finally got it. And everyone clapped.


Text - mallardmcgee • 13h My wife was due to give birth while i was still in my last round of apprenticeship schooling (2 month blocks of schooling every couple years). She was induced on a friday and my daughter was born shortly after. Monday morning i stayed home from school so my wife could get some sleep. I messaged one of the guys to let them know i would be there around lunchtime. I arrived at the college, my whole class was in the cafeteria (about 20 guys). I got a round of applause when


Text - Justin_Shields • 14h Not much, but I was taking a foods class (a class I'm actually still taking) and each unit had different assignments for foods they'd make. Well, the unit next to us made one of those cakes that pull apart in chunks and the ingredients were that of a cinnamon roll. Me and my unit started clapping as a joke, since the cake actually looked pretty good. Well, not only were we clapping, but the unit next to them were also clapping. Within about ten seconds, the entire cla


Text - Dre4mTech 15h It was 70's Day during Spirit Week at high-school, and I went all out. Braids, my mom's 70's vest, long ombre hippie skirt, peace necklace, all of it. I walked in the cafeteria and someone shouted "wow!" and there was a lot of cheering and some clapping.


Text - Scared_Pumpkin • 13h When I first started doing CrossFit, I was struggling during a workout and was the last one trying to finish. Everyone gathered around for my final set to support me. I did my final rep and everyone clapped. Then I laid on the floor until my heart rate went back down.


Text - Winterlight8044 • 12h A girl in my class accidentally farted during a test. All the cheerleaders laughed and started to point and talk about her. Me and my friend nodded, got up to walk out, and let one RIP right in front of them. It stuck so bad they left with tears in their eyes. The rest of the class clapped, but quickly stopped when the smell hit them. There were a few people who were sick and couldn't smell it.


Text - youhaveonehour • 14h A friend threw a bottle of soda at me from like forty feet away & I reached up & caught it as it whizzed past my head. There were a lot of people around because it was between bands in the parking lot outside a show, & yeah, everyone clapped. Pretty dumb.


Text - Mason_Yo • 11h Friend and I saw Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets at the cinenas when we were teenagers. Said friend started to fall asleep during the movie. At the end of the movie everyone in the movie started clapping. My friend woke up and just instinctively started clapping along with the movie while looking confused. I followed suit and was like "if he's clapping l'll clap too i guess". Next thing I know the entire audience started clapping along, thinking that we just really

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