Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Quick Tumblr Post On Romantic Friendships

Why'd they have to go and do us like that? Normally we can count on the wandering minds of Tumblr to consistently deliver entertaining gems. Sometimes though, things get a bit confusing. Like in this quick Tumblr post. Are we witnessing nothing more than some folks who never learned about what it means to hang out with your friends before? Maybe. 


Text - silentthevoice i would platonic date so many people like fuck yeah let me take u out to a fancy restaurant let's get dressed up and go without all the romantic involvement or anything like that it would be so nice the-eagle-atarian friendship I'fren(d)[ip/ noun the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends. "old ties of love and friendship" • a relationship between friends. plural noun: friendships "she formed close friendships with women" synonyms: relationship, friendly


Text - hattedhedgehog *Quietly raises hand* Actually what the OP was talking about is a real thing: Queerplatonic (adj): a word for describing relationships where an intense emotional connection transcending what people usually think of as 'friendship' is present, but the relationship is not romantic in nature; people in a queerplatonic relationship may think of themselves as partners, may plan on spending their lives together, etc. The 'queer' is a reference to the idea of queering relationship


Text - pluckydoodle while friendship is the level of being friends, if it were a scale then queerplatonic would be in between friendship and a romantic relationship because there is a deeper connection than just friendship that is like the attachment level of a romantic relationship without the romantic feelings straightallies oh ok, so like this! best friend noun a person's closest friend. "Michael was Frank's best friend" Translations, word origin, and more definitions lizardsister this post h

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