Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Karen Thinks Employee Is Line Cutter, Gets Humbled

The garden variety Karen is known for obstructive outbursts, and this one was no different when she convinced herself that an employee was trying to ruin her day. Even given an explanation, she wasn't ready to back down. For another Karen with nonsensical demands, here's a Karen who demanded a delivery driver check her groceries out.


Text - r/IDontWorkHereLady - Posted by u/LKJNAElhjberg 32 3 3 16 hours ago 3 Let's shake things up! I *WORK* here, Lady!!! XL I'm out of work because of Covid, so occasionally I drive my husband to and from work, cause he has a long commute and at least once in awhile I can do the driving for him. Now, he works at a Warehouse-Type Shopping Center. Between 9-10am, M-F, they have Senior Shopping. His shift started at 9:45. I had some shopping to do, so we walked in together. I went to grab a cart


Text - My husband kisses my cheek, and walks into the building. Now, we're in our 30's, def not close to the 55+. The lady at the front of the line starts SHRIEKING that "that man was just allowed in to shop and didn't wait in line like the rest of us!" I stopped mid-cart grab, and watched it unfold... My husband turns around and politely explains, while holding up his name badge, "Ah, sorry Ma'am. I work here, I'm just showing up for my shift, is all. I'm not cutting the line, I promise!". She


Text - Finally a manager comes to the front. "Karen" is now blue in the face from yelling and screaming. It's time for my husband to clock in, and he can't get past the front door because "Karen" keeps screaming. The manager explains that my husband is, indeed, there to work and get everything ready for the incoming flood of patrons. Karen was having NONE of it. My husband finally decides that in order to just.. end the situation, he'd use the back entrance.. at the complete opposite side of the


Text - It's now 10am, and the doors are supposed to be open to everyone. Karen starts looking very, very impatient as the manager, standing at the door, tells her he can't let the general public in until there are 2 people at the door. We wait. and Wait. and Wait. and Wait. And about 5 minutes after 10, my husband walks up, from INSIDE the building, to the door, and calls Karen on into the building, Apologizing for being late, as he was being held up. The laughs from the people in line behind he

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