Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Customer Reports Ordering Issue On Restaurant's Site, Site Comes Undone

Man, to have been the tech support involved with this conundrum. What started as an innocent enough update from the customer about the online ordering system not working, ended up evolving into a full on mess. Technology can be wildly frustrating like that. One little piece being moved around can bring the whole dang tower toppling down. 

Check out some more tech support drama with this belligerent customer who wouldn't cooperate with tech support.


Text - r/tifu u/rembeck2 • 14h + Join 35 2 24 O 28 3 25 25 1 1 TIFU by trying to help a small restaurant's Thanksgiving Dinner takeout website, but wound up making things way worse L My girlfriend and I both tested positive for COVID, so going to either of our parents' homes for Thanksgiving dinner is out of the question. Neither of us did any grocery shopping, so we were trying last-minute to find a restaurant in the area that offers Thanksgiving delivery dinners. You know, support local busine


Text - We were in the middle of doing our "research" by comparing food options and prices when I found one website that looked like it offered a pretty good deal: Three course meal, additional appetizers, optional cocktails, nice! Only thing is, it's a little pricey... so maybe we can skip the cocktails and open one of the wine bottles we've been saving for a nice night-in, instead. I decide to click through the order just to see how much this dinner might cost. First page: I select a 4pm delive


Text - Fourth page: I try to skip the cocktail option and... uhh... it looks like I need to choose a cocktail before I place my order? Odd. Okay, let's just select one to keep things moving along. Fifth page: Review and confirm my order... but, I don't want the cocktail so I try to a little backdoor maneuver to edit my order before putting down my credit card. Hmm, no luck. Might be best to call the restaurant and ask whether I can place the order over the phone. When I call, I explain the situa


Text - The call ends. A few minutes go by. I try the website again. I click through the first page, second page, and third page. So far, so good until... wait. The cocktail page has been completely removed, and so has the option to review and confirm my order. Maybe it's my phone? l'll try on my laptop. Nope. Same problem. I all the restaurant back and the nice hostess answers again. "Hi, I just called. I'm having a different problem with the website though..." After some frantic, inaudible scre


Text - The call ends. A few minutes go by. I try the website again. The option to place a Thanksgiving dinner is completely gone. Fuck. This is all my fault. I should've just ordered the damn cocktail and been done with it. Before I can call the restaurant back, my phone is already ringing. I answer and the nice hostess is locked in the middle of a screaming match with the man I spoke with last time. No idea what they're relationship is, but I imagine it makes for some pretty interesting dinner


Text - The man pleads for the phone, then assures me (again) that he knows how to fix it. They'll call me back when the website is ready. Excellent customer service. The call ends and my girlfriend is quietly giving me one of those "what did you do" stares from the other side of the couch. The dog is more understanding. He gets me. A few minutes go by and I curiously refresh the page a few times to catch glimpses of their "progress." The first refresh reveals that the Thanksgiving dinner option


Text - My phone rings again and this time it is a new man with a low, deep voice. We have not spoken before, but he knows my name. I start to sweat, but that's probably just the COVID symptoms. He's calling from the same restaurant number as before, but this time there is no commotion in the background. Everything is eerily silent on his end. He calmly asks me to explain everything from the very beginning. Once l'm done, he tells me he'll call me back shortly. The call ends and I keep my eyes lo


Text - The phone rings again and the man with the deep voice asks me to go back to the website. He's worked his magic and the site has been miraculously restored to how I originally found it when I first tried to place my order. Over the phone, I talk him through each step and he understands what needs to be done. He tells me again that he'll call me back in a bit. The call ends and I slowly lean over to my girlfriend to proudly let her know that l'm helping to leave the world in a better place


Text - TL;DR Accidentally found a problem with a restaurant's website for Thanksgiving takeout and tried calling to let them know, which quickly snowballed into the entire website not working. Wound up spending over an hour calling each other back and forth until the website was finally working properly again. 14.8k 390 ↑, Share

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