Wednesday, July 29, 2020

HOA Demands Trash Can Updates, Homeowner Obliges

In some neighborhoods, a Homeowner's Association is no big deal. For others, it's a tyrannical government filled with bored, horrible retired jerks who get a single taste of power and decide to use it to destroy their neighbor's lives. For example, here's a story of Queen Karen of the HOA being defeated.


Text - O r/MaliciousCompliance - Posted by u/Endoman13 11 hours ago 2 I'll let you know every time I use my garbage can. oc s I've never met anyone that said "Oh good, an HOA." We all have trash cans, but the sight of them offends the delicate eyes of some, so I complied with the new rule of 'no seeing bins from the street'. I find a notice of my bins being out, which is surprising because I'm the only one who touches the cans and I know I'm 100% compliant.


Text - I call in and ask why I got the notice. The full description says "Bins in driveway with lids off." I asked if this happen to be a Tuesday, and sure enough it was. Wednesday is pickup, and I was doing my weekly cleaning. I was fucking using them, I calmly explained through gritted teeth. "Oh okay I'll remove the notice." Great, but how do I prevent this from happening again? "Oh, uh..I guess notify us." Alright, I said, I'll notify you every time I'm using my trash cans. "Oh that won't be


Text - raptorlord33 Score hidden · 12 hours ago wait you called him at 10 every Tuesday for 6 weeks straight


Text - DLS3141 Score hidden · 11 hours ago Today, I once again called promptly at ten o'clock and let Alan know I was about to use my trash cans. "You know what, Mr. Endoman? I'm just going to put a hold on any trash can notices for you." Hey that would be swell, Alan. Why call so late, I would have called on my way into the office a 5:30 am. Next Tuesday, you should call him again, not to inform him that you're once again using your bins, but just to confirm that he did indeed put a hold on the


Text - idlikearefund Score hidden · 9 hours ago I got a trash can ticket in the mail. The photo showed me actively pulling weeds and the trash can was rolled over by me where I was throwing weeds away. Gotta love HOAS

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