Friday, December 4, 2020

Tumblr Thread: The Unsettling Reason For Unrealistic Animation

Here we are yet again with the wonderful, wandering minds of the Tumblr world delivering just the kind of informative, and unsettling thread that really takes the brain for a trip. Apparently, there's an actual reason why us human beings can feel the cringe chills come on when animation seems to be too realistic. It's called the uncanny valley effect. What makes the effect so unsettling, is reflecting on why we could've developed that kind of "survival instinct" in the first place. Was it because there used to be some sort of alien monster thing scouring the globe back in the day that was a threat to homo sapiens' survival? Maybe so, maybe so. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with these cooks that bonded over their dysfunctional family members.


Organism - *157 % 15:01 vrabia Folgen NEON NO @Neon woof studios: ok it's absolutely imperative that the audience knows which one is a GIRL wolf and which one is a BOY wolf studios, every single time: ok wait I got it 3:09 AM - Apr 19, 2020 - Twitter for Android pipocaflamingo Folgen Sorry to say, but they do the exact same thing for humans too.


Animation - @ *I 57 %O 15:01 pipocaflamingo Folgen Sorry to say, but they do the exact same thing for humans too. pipocaflamingo Folgen It's amazing how people in the notes and comments are absolutely FURIOUS at me for the included Frozen comparison. Special shout out to everyone trying to prove that real people look like this. fastascardboard Folgen


Head - all @ *i 57 % O15:01 fastascardboard Folgen ORIGINAL TheMamelessaoll MY EDIT Roosa Karsson Not to mention that when people edit these


Blue - @ *I 57 % O15:02 Roosa Karsson Not to mention that when people edit these characters to have better facial proportions, the originals look like bizarre fish people. simonalkenmayer Folgen How humans draw themselves is always fascinating to me despairgyaru op why are you speaking like you aren't human i'm scared simonalkenmayer Folgen Eh...perhaps read my blog description. 61below Folgen


Text - ll @ *i 57 % 15:02 hauntedcreek Folgen K simonalkenm... Follow The Creature's Cookbook Welcome. You may call me Simon or Simone. I am the author of the Creature's Cookbook novel series, but more importantly, I'm a very old anthropophagic cryptid, or "people eating monster". Yes, a real one. No, not a clever performance art piece or a plea for attention. My books are classified as fiction, but that is entirely the point. I eat humans and I write about it, and for some reason, people find i


Text - ll @ *i 57 % コ15:02 helloitsbees Folgen this post has EVERYTHING hyenasnake Folgen I think I know the reason for why people prefer "unrealistic" animation. For some reason, humans really don't like things that look like humans but aren't quite human. Hence why a lot of people are uncomfortable with movies with animation like Monster House and The Polar Express. It looks too realistic to us and sets us off. Scientists call this the "Uncanny Valley" effect and its thought to be an evoluti t


Text - @ *i 57 %D 15:02 Scientists call this the "Uncanny Valley" effect and its thought to be an evolutionary tactic for survival. The funny part is. No other animals that we know of experience the uncanny valley effect. Only humans. Which leaves the question: what was out there that mimicked humans so well and was so dangerous to us that we evolved to have this as a tactic for survival? soft-necromancing-crow Folgen Oh hell yeah this is what l'm here for niuniente Folgen Which leaves the quest


Green - @ *I 57 %D15:02 athelind Folgen Okay, I've seen this thread a dozen times before, but not with this addendum. vrabia Folgen i made the original post in the throes of unmedicated depression because that's where my sense of humor was at the time. i don't check my activity page. seeing it barge onto my dash months later with +250k notes and this exchange attached to it like a bunch of rattling tin cans attached to the tail of a rabid dog running loose is fucking WILD look-at-all-those-fando


Text - @ *i 57 % コ15:02 masochist-incarnate Idk why dont we ask the "people eating cryptid" who claims to be from a species that's easy to hide and apparently passes as human who's like, 3 reblogs above this? princesshamlet Folgen Crewmate There is 1 Impostor among us fuckingconversations Folgen Hey fun fact; Back when Homo sapiens weren't the end-all of hominids, we also had some other two legged "humanish" cousins like the Neanderthals, Denisovians, and more! There were nine different species


Text - @ *i 57 % 15:03 There were nine different species of "humans" By 10,000 years ago, they were all gone. The disappearance of these other species resembles a mass extinction. But there's no obvious environmental catastrophe - volcanic eruptions, climate change, asteroid impact - driving it. Instead, the extinctions' timing suggests they were caused by the spread of a new species, evolving 260,000-350,000 years ago in Southern Africa: Homo sapiens. Neanderthal skeletons show patterns of trau


Text - @ *i 57 % 15:03 Basically: the reason we as Homo Sapians find other human-ish figures unsettling and have an instinctual fear/aggression response called "The Uncanny Valley" is because we literally TOOK OVER THE WORLD by hunting down and killing every other hominid on the planet. Dunno if the "9 species of hominid genocide" was a result of uncanny valley or the cause of it, but it's a pretty sure bet to guess they're linked. Read more about it here :) isaacsapphire Folgen This is a wonder

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