Friday, December 4, 2020

Man Flips The Script On Nightmare Neighbors

There's no realization as dauntingly stressful as the one where you learn that your neighbors are total waking nightmares. This dude bided his time though, and was able to quite literally turn his neighbors' worlds upside down. Suffice to say, they underestimated who they were picking on. Everyone has their breaking point, and you can only bully and pester someone so long before they take matters into their own hands. Check out some more juicy neighbor drama with this woman who built a fence to keep her neighbors out of her pool.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/ChickenFashionShow • 15h + Join 6 3 14 I did to my neighbor what they did to others. To start I bought a house with the intention of doing a flip. When I moved in the self appointed "block aptain" let me know who they were the first day. Sadly, they were my next door neighbors. I tried to be friendly but listening to them I realized how horrible they were and tried to keep still be civil. My significant other kept saying "just wait for it to be our turn."


Text - They bragged about, though their contacts with the city, forcing people to make improvements on their houses, getting undesirable renters out of the houses and just harassing people in general. I as I worked on flipping my house the wife became a worse thorn in my side. To start, she demanded put up a fence so people would quit cutting though my yard and scaring her. Then, her and the husband demanded I take care of the weeds in the yard or they will do it and bill me. After that a storm


Text - Needless to say I began to ignore to them so she became a constant gnat and moved onto another target. Then one day as I was tearing down my deck for a patio I realized she put a feral cat colony on a section of my property, I had wondered why all the stray cats were around and I finally found out.| reached out to the city and demanded it be removed, but they said she followed the law on getting it in place. As I tried to to get it shut down she began unhinged behavior from standing in he


Text - I started by filing a HRO/Harassment Restraining Order against the wife and had it granted ex parte with the evidence I provided, or course she contested as it was 'defamatory to her character.' Before the hearing the husband tried to physically intimidate me. So l filed one against him and it was also granted ex parte. In the hearing it came up that there was and HRO against the husband as well, they dogged being served until I had it published as a means of service. I started to make co


Text - For example, as I was having my front door replaced, needing a building work permit. I knew they were doing internal remodeling so I called a city inspector and they were fined for not a having permit. As she ranted at the inspector he looked at my window and saw I had mine displayed. Their back porch became horded so I a made another call to a city inspector and they had to clear it out. Then they had a broken window on the porch door so alled an inspector and they had to replace the doo


Text - Through all this they had up cameras to prove they were not doing the things I said i.e. hitting the fence. They also pointed a camera at my back yard. As it was legal to point a camera into my yard and a part of my HRO was her intrusive watching behaviors I gave the camera the middle finger on my way to and from my garage. When she complained, with the city tiring of her, their response was she was admitting to intrusively watching me.


Text - The fight over the cat colony came to an end when I realized one of the cats had a serious disease and I began to capture them and turn them into animal control. Don't worry, animal control was part of the feral cat program so they would not be put down but the neighbor would have to pay a fine to get each cat out or have the colony closed. Finally I caught the sick one and it had rabies, part of the program was for her to capture each new cat have it vaccinated. Something she admitted to


Text - The city now had to act to close the colony, the person at animal control who wouldn't respond to my complaints was fired. The neighbors called in a city mediator who we met with presented all the evidence and said we would not meet with them, and provided extremely racist tweets they made about neighbors. The city cut ties with them as "community leaders." With their power to bully gone and having spent what I can only imagine in fines and repairs, like they did to numerous other neighbo


Text - Finally, when I listed my house it was sold while theirs was still on the market. As a final F-you to them I reported to the county they had both the new and old house listed as their homestead, meaning they were paying less in property taxes so they got hit in with more fines on my way out. 4 9.9k 3 1, Share 592

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