Saturday, December 5, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Elves Are Flat Earthers For A Reason

As it turns out, Legolas doesn't need to worry about that silly horizon. Nor does any other elf in Tolkien's wild word. Tolkien lore actually shines light on the true nature of elves, and their ability to see the world as a flat disc, while everyone else sees it as a globe. Pretty fun stuff. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this thread about the crude king of satire, Skweezy Jibbs.


Text - S mckitterick philosoverted-deactivated202006 Do you ever lie awake wondering how the heck Gimli knows what a nervous system is systlin Clearly dwarves have medical knowledge far more advanced than that of the other races. gallusrostromegalus His Majesty Dr. Gimli, son of Gloin, Neurosurgeon, M.D. bagginshield gimli trying to explain his studies to legolas, a flat-earther


Text - hubris-i #*scroll down* #*remember that middle earth is canonically flat for elves and round for everyone else* #*scroll back up & smash that reblog button" fridge246 tired: legolas took gimli to valinor with him because they were bffs/in loveletc. wired: legolas took gimli to valinor to prove the world was flat after arguing with him about it for decades jemthecrystalgem Sorry it's what to elves


Text - Text - dvandom So, in Tolkein lore, the world was originally flat, with most of the land in the middle (hence Middle Earth). But the Numenorians (men who were rewarded with their own Atlantis-equivalent island for service in the first big war against Melkor, but eventually Power Corrupts etc) tried to invade the uttermost west which was basically Elf Heaven. To put an end to that sort of thing, the creator of the world Bent The World and made it a sphere...but left elves able to treat it


Text - Text - mckitterick me: that can't be right me: (looks up "Tolkien flat earth") Wikipedia: Moon & Sun orbitthe Workd Ships sail to Aman Aman Middle- Flat World 1* & 2 nd Ages Valinor earth Númenor Beleriand drowned in War of Wrath (end of 1s4 Age) The Changing ofthe World and The Downfall of Númenor If Men sail they go in a circle Aman Middle- Round World 3rd Age onwards Valinor Elves sail 'The Straight Road' earth Undying Lands sundered from Númenor drowned the World


Text - Text - The Downfall of Númenor and the Changing of the WorldT 113] Tolkien's legendarium addresses the spherical Earth paradigm by depicting a catastrophic transition from a flat to a spherical world, in which Aman was removed "from the circles of the world".[3] This transition from a flat to a spherical Earth is at the center of Tolkien's "Atlantis" legend. His unfinished The Lost Road suggests a sketch of the idea of historical continuity connecting the Elvish mythology of the First Age


Text - Text - in Plato and other deluge myths as a "confused" account of the story of Númenor. The cataclysmic re- shaping of the world would have left its imprint on the cultural memory and collective unconscious of humanity, and even on the genetic memory of individuals. The "Atlantis" part of the legendarium explores the theme of the memory of a 'straight road' me:


Text - Facial hair

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