Saturday, December 5, 2020

People's Creepiest Theories On The Nature of Reality

Most of us aren't scientists, but we do have decent imaginations, so boy are we compelled by weird and freaky explanations for existence, aliens and free will shenanigans. Weird stuff happens all the time, like these people's weirdest butterfly effect moments from small decisions. Armchair theories on existence get to be a lot, so here are some lighter conspiracy theories people believe for fun.


Text - Freelancer47 2.9k points · 6 days ago - edited 6 days ago G There's a high likelyhood that there's far more serial killers out "practicing their craft" 5 2 e & 3 More today than there were back in the 1970's, the supposed "height" of serial killer activity.


Text - jesseHoS 37.5k points · 6 days ago · edited 6 days ago 4 O 3 3 3 & 4 More That my mother-in-law keeps "accidentally" leaving things at my house because she is slowly moving in.


Text - General-LeeAnxious 36.9k points · 6 days ago 2 6 & 20 More We've all pretty much heard of Uncanny Valley (the creeped out anxious feeling when you look at something that's humanoid but there's something clearly wrong with it. Like the wax figures at Madame Tussaud's or that AI robot Sophia) But my favorite theory to come out of it is that we get that strange feeling because somewhere along human evolution we've learned to be wary of things that look human... but aren't.


Text - cyainanotherlifebro 26.0k points · 6 days ago - edited 5 days ago 3 4 S $4 The theory that the last moments of consciousness before death can feel like a literal eternity, and where your mind can create entire realities from blissful to horrifying. So in a way the threat of enduring a hellscape of eternal suffering is very real no matter what you believe.


Text - AndysBrotherDan 23.7k points - 6 days ago · edited 6 days ago A 8 O 12 9 & 13 More A lot of comments bringing up the Fermi paradox to explain the lack of evidence of extraterrestrial life, when by all accounts we should be seeing alien life all over the universe. Here's another, unsettling, explanation: if you're scuba diving above a coral reef, and you know that there SHOULD be fish all around you, but you don't see any, it's most likely that they have learned that for some reason it's i


Text - nuclearjanni 20.3k points · 6 days ago 5@3 34 Years ago when I was seriously dating my 3 now wife, almost every time we started to have sexy time her mother would call up. Seemed strange, then disgusting when we found the hidden camera when moving her out.


Text - ChuckeyT 18.3k points · 6 days ago · edited 5 days ago 2 Our "world" is out perception of our surroundings in our 3 dimensional life. It's possible that we are living amongst beings, things and events that we cannot experience because we are 3 dimensions and they are not. e 3 2 & 2 More


Text - mikedorty 16.8k points · 6 days ago 2 3 3 That you might be aware of everything happening to you during surgery, the anesthesia keeps you from moving and causes you to forget.


Text - nalc 16.3k points · 6 days ago O 2 & 3 More The theory that Carson Wentz and Prince Harry switched lives in 2019 and that's why Wentz sucks at football and Harry left the royal family


Text - Sexycoed1972 16.1k points · 6 days ago 2 9 4 2 37 8 4 Cosmology can be disturbing. For instance, I recently learned of dead end trips. There are some destinations that you shouldn't try for. It's possible to travel so far away from where you started, that the expansion of the universe will exceed the speed you were travelling at. You can't return home, because home is receding faster than you can travel. You can't reach your destination, because it too is receding faster than you can trav


Text - eculilumab 16.0k points · 6 days ago 9 8 2 e7 & 2 More It's scary that there are thousands of serial killers out there at any 1 given time who often just blend in with the rest of society and live normal lives. Many will never be caught.


Text - IamPenguin_0917 15.2k points · 6 days ago 2 2 The Butterfly effect. It makes me feel like deciding edited 6 days ago whether to choose black shirts or white shirts would increase or decrease my chances of dying young.


Text - Tressel44 13.7k points · 6 days ago Humans are scared of things that mimic them too perfectly, the theory is that we developed this because there was a super predator of some sort that would mimic us and kill us. But we never knew what happened to it


Text - applezombi 12.1k points · 6 days ago The Gaian Bottleneck theory. Basically the reason we've never encountered or been contacted by aliens is because they're all dead. Every alien species that evolved to form advanced societies eventually outgrew their planet and destroyed themselves. Like we are.


Text - ZeDitto 11.3k points · 6 days ago · edited 5 days ago 26 3 33 8 2 That humans almost went extinct. 70,000 years ago a volcano in Indonesia erupted. There's theories that we have a genetic bottleneck around that time. Took our population down to 10,000-3,000 (like the size of one small town). Lots of fresh genetic material died with those who were lost and the resulting inbreeding could have resulted in some genetic diseases that have made their way into humans today. Without this event, w


Text - smedsterwho 11.1k points · 6 days ago 32 8 I'm in a nursing home with dementia in 2060, and all I'm doing is reliving this moment of November 2020.


Text - yer_maws_a_username 10.2k points · 6 days ago S 8 Spontaneous combustion. I watched a strange but true episode about this as a child and was convinced I'd randomly burst into flames one day. I'm over it now but that was my top fear for a long time. obamium-11 5.9k points · 6 days ago S I've looked into it, nearly every case happened while the person was drinking and smoking at the same time, which kind of explains it


Text - Joedirt7309 9.6k points · 6 days ago The theory that scented candles starting getting poor reviews at the same time COVID hit the US. Makes you wonder how many people have mild COVID before we even knew about it, pairing the lack of taste and/or smell as one of the main symptoms associated with mild COVID cases.


Text - Dawn_of_Enceladus 9.3k points · 6 days ago 32 82 8 Some time in the future, if we don't disappear before, humans will probably be able to bio- engineer themselves to avoid death by old age. Most probably only the richest people would get this, founding an immortal elite of dynasties that will be able to rule nations by themselves, while common people simply keep dying as always. Now almost everyone think of death as something normal and unevitable, as part of our nature. But then, in that


Text - TheRavingRaccoon 7.3k points · 6 days ago · edited 6 days ago S2 There's a theory that the universe is expanding and compacting again, repeated forever, and that which each expansion we relive history all over again but with slight differences. Remember that time you had deja vu? Some people think you're seeing a previous version of history play out... which means you're stuck reliving your life... forever. It's a darker spin on the multiverse idea, I É™soddns


Text - wisequackisback 4.3k points · 6 days ago "There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened." - Douglas Adams


Text - liberatedhusks 3.0k points · 6 days ago · edited 6 days ago Philosophical zombies. Theory that a good portion of the human race lack consciouS experience. If you've ever dissociated or done something and don't recall(driven home but have no recollection, your brain acting on auto pilot) thats what they are like. They do everything required to be human, they ape emotions, go through life. They just lack sentience.

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