Saturday, December 26, 2020

Tumblr Thread About Horrifying Monster Mold

So, the Elephant's Foot mold sounds like some sort of mythological Medusa-level monster. Sounds to me like a big heap of forbidden pudding. Seriously, no thank you. Here's to hoping we don't find ourselves one day in the future, being enslaved by black mold overlords. 


Text - unexplained-events The photo above is the closest humanity has ever come to creating Medusa. If you were to look at this, you would die instantly.


Text - The image is of a reactor core lava formation in the basement of the Chernobyl nuclear plant. It's called the Elephant's Foot and weighs hundreds of tons, but is only a couple meters across. Oh, and regarding the Medusa thing, this picture was taken through a mirror around the corner of the hallway. Because the wheeled camera they sent up to take pictures of it was destroyed by the radiation. The Elephant's Foot is almost as if it is a living creature.


Text - madmaudlingoes Friendly reminder that this blob of core material was so hot and dense, it melted/ burned through three floors of the building before coming to rest in the lowest basement. And there's now a unique species of black mold that feeds off the gamma radiation it produces. zubenpics Is no one else seriously freaked out by that mold? No? Just me, then?


Text - clarabosswald wiki article about the mold grubwizard LOVE that mold! bowelflies okay but The Elephant's Foot is a large mass of black LFCM with many layers, externally resembling tree bark and glass. The mass is quite dense, unyielding to a drill but able to be damaged by a Kalashnikov rifle. By June wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhy was someone shooting it with a kalashnikov


Text - unexplained-events I can sleep again knowing that The Elephant's foot is weak to Kalashnikovs sindri42 I love that mold because humans made a mess we have no idea how to clean up and barely five years later we discover an entirely new kind of fungus that's just... eating it. Radiation levels are going down much faster than any of our models could predict, this stuff hasn't been found anyplace else in the world...


Text - sanctusapparatus 6/6 Elephant's Foot: *releases horrifying levels of radiation fatal to most life* Heretofore unknown species of mold: delicious Finally, some good fucking food Source: unexplained-events

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