Saturday, December 26, 2020

Student Gets Back at Thieving Roommate with Booby Trap USB

A bad roommate can make your home a living hell. When this student noticed their roommate was stealing their stuff, things got serious. This sort of strategy happens with food too, like this guy who ended up baking a cake full of habeneros


Text - r/ProRevenge Posted by 2 3 Awards f. u/rayrayrex 19 hours ago Think you can steal my stuff and get away with it? Good luck studying for exams with a broken laptop Back in my first year of college, I used to live in a residence on campus with 3 other dudes. Two of them were cool (shout out to Bdawg and Al) but the third named David had a nasty habit of taking things that weren't his and mysteriously forgetting that the objects had fallen into his possession.


Text - Of the items he had stolen and were subsequently found in his room included food/snacks, notebooks, vapes, and earbuds (albeit cheap ones). We'd all complained to our RA, but since they were such small items, we were told that we should just have a "house meeting" and talk about it with David to have the problem fixed. We had two of those, where he claimed "it all looks so similar, how am I supposed to know which is mine?". Considering that we all kept our shit in our rooms this was obvio


Text - Knowing nothing would happen unless I took action, I planned my revenge. I shelled out around $80 for something similar to this bad boi. It was a USB device that once plugged into an unsecured USB port, fried the computer by building a charge and dispersing it into the port, pretty much destroying the CPU among other parts. Now obviously I wasn't going to plant this anywhere, but I had to make it seem like this was a tool and not some sort of set-up. So I'd roped Bdawg and Al in on my pla


Text - With them roped in, the last thing to do was wait and see if David had learned his lesson. It took all of 3 days, but expectedly David did not learn his lesson. I was at the library when this happened, but David had decided that this sexy USB would be the perfect addition to his collection of stolen wares, so he went into my room and took it. Big mistake. I got a Snapchat from Bdawg that David was going postal and I needed to get back asap. I high tailed it and when I got near our residen


Text - Admittedly I should have held my composure better, but I laughed in that mofo's face. I told him that the USB was clearly labeled with my name on my desk in my room and I was using it to test whether my computer ports were secured from devices such as this. Screaming ensued from him, after which our RA showed up (heard that shit fest from down the hall) and asked what the hell was happening. I stayed quiet to let David attempt to lie his way out of this, but holy fuck the dumbshit kept to


Text - When we got there and explained our stories, campus police had none of David's shit. They told him that 1. He cannot sue me since this was not a trap, but a security tool that was within my own living space, of which he had no right entering to **steal** from and 2. He was being relocated to the shitty single residences on the other side of campus, and if they caught wind of this again he was getting banned for life from res as well as receiving a Non-Academic offence (a nice little chat


Text - The three of us enjoyed the rest of the semester with an extra bedroom for storage space (AND BEER PONG) which was definitely a win. As for David, I've only ever seen him in the cafeteria/library on occasion, sitting there studying. without his laptop. TL:DR - Shitty roommate steals our stuff and gets a shocking surprise that decimates his laptop.

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