Sunday, December 20, 2020

Times Tech Support Faced Waking Nightmares

There's no question that tech support people need heroic levels of patience. If you're working tech support you can pretty much rest assured that you're about to encounter some hopelessly lost soul at some point that really never should've bought a computer in the first place. Some of these moments of tech support gore are straight up heinous. Not to mention the cringeworthy levels of imminent danger that are evident in these gnarly tech fails. Check out some more tech support gore with this story about an employee being stalled for four hours over a "broken mouse."

1. Holding things together by a thread.

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2. When the teacher needs a lesson in screen protectors.

Electronic device

3. Aw, bless Nan's heart.

Product - 7h:0 My nana said her laptop hasn't charged for over a month, and when I looked to see the problem, I saw she had plugged an iPhone 4 charger into the SD card slot. Chat (32) 3/21/2020 4, 8 王 5 CO G .3 453 P te

4. When you put the PC next to a literal heater

Audio equipment

5. When you spill water on the laptop and try to dry it off with a heat gun.

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6. They shipped thousands of dollars worth of computers with no packaging material.


7. Computer wouldn't boot, but it was also glued to the desk.

Wood - DELL

8. No. Just no.

Display device

9. Apparently the GF's Xbox 360 hard drive was rattling.

Orange - A-RAM might

10. "The PC won't turn on."


11. Maple Syrup and Laptops shouldn't be packaged together.

Text - Samantha Ruddy @samlymatters Apparently putting maple syrup and a laptop in the same moving box is a bad idea. Tradueix el tuit ThinkPad 2:20 · 14 de jul. 20 · Twitter for iPhone

12. The Mac wouldn't turn on, but what else is going on here?


13. Go home adapters, you're drunk.


14. So that explains the spotty internet.

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15. Those "refurbished" controllers are tricky.

Photograph - Y

16. Brilliant solution to a broken clip.

Cable - ct Performance

17. When you upgrade the phone but are loyal to the old screen protector.


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