Sunday, December 20, 2020

People's Funniest Holiday Decoration Disasters

If there's one way that we can go about keeping that holiday spirit alive amidst a historically difficult holiday season, it's to celebrate people's most memorable holiday decoration disasters. All kinds of fails can occur when you're trying to get the house all tidied up and sorted out for the holiday. Maybe the tree ends up looking like it's right out of the iconic Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree scene. Or, maybe you bring a seemingly promising tree home only to realize that it's been infested by an army of nightmarish spiders. 


Text - Barbara Fischkelta @barbarafisch Replying to @jimmyfallon I had two deer on my front lawn. Someone rearranged them so that one was mounting the other from behind #Decoration Disaster


Text - AtlanticFlow 000 @atlantic_flow Replying to @FallonTonight One year we were putting the Christmas lights on the tree and they would't come on. We went through the whole string to find out which light was a dud. Ends up the lights weren't plugged in! #DecorationDisaster


Text - Property - mermadi 000 @madimclemonz and you thought the Rockefeller tree was bad.... @jimmyfallon #DecorationDisaster HAPPY HOL


Text - Steph Veerman @stephyj725 my dad took over my hamster once i went back to college and ended up getting really attached and today he escaped and this goes to prove how truly pure my father is


Text - Black-and-white - Steph Veerman @stephyj725 follow up: He did find him!!!


Text - Text - Wehttam Mi, ih @kayakingsmith 00 Replying to @jimmyfallon One year, we made an actual popcorn garland for the tree. After a week-long trip to see family, we came back to shredded stockings, chewed up light strands, a toppled tree, and a family of squirrels feasting on popcorn. #MerryChristmasYaFilthyAnimals #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - honofhons 00 @patriciaoak Replying to @jimmyfallon Oh, the year we decorated our tree so beautifully - best ever. And a couple of days later, something was moving on the branches. And we realized that our beautiful tree was infested with tiny spiders. Tree went in the trash and we found spiders for weeks. #DecorationsDisaster


Text - Text - Jamez 00 @JamezMagic Replying to @jimmyfallon #Decoration Disaster When my family brought home our Christmas tree, we put it up and it turns out that there was a spider's nest in it. Hundred of spiders crawled out from it, we have had an artificial tree ever since.


Text - Event - Desh the Halls 000 @iandoescher Replying to @jimmyfallon When my parents bought a new tree topper in the mid-90s, my brother and I instantly started calling it the Golden Boner of Christmas. When I had my own kids, my parents passed it down to me. #DecorationDisaster


Text - Event - Samantha Davidson 000 @Sallyjo25 Replying to @jimmyfallon One year, the star broke, do instead of replacing it, the tree topper became a Peewee Hermin Doll in a Betty Boop dress... We still use it 10 years later. #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - Kelsey Klemm @krklemm 00 Replying to @jimmyfallon A friend was sent a commemorative 2020 ornament, and it was broken. So they had a new one ordered, and it was also broken. I think it took 4 or 5 tries before they received an unbroken ornament. How very 2020 of them. #DecorationDisaster


Text - Blue - Nick G @The_Real_Nick_G Replying to @jimmyfallon My wife poured water into her parents tree stand.... only to find out it's a fake tree #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - Ryan Guard @ryanguard 00 Replying to @jimmyfallon In 1993 my cat ate all the tinsel off the lower half of our tree. The next day she had the prettiest litter box in town, and an additional festive "tail". #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - jane, not plain @SoPlainlyJane 0o0 Replying to @jimmyfallon I made ornaments with my kids and they had to be "melted" in the oven. I over melted them. Santa looked demonic. The holly looked like weed. There were a lot of tears. #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - Lindsay Nixon @LindsayPounders 00 Replying to @jimmyfallon My dad forgot the Christmas tree was on top of the van and pulled into the garage, effectively ripping the pine needles off of half the tree. Two years in a row #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - Tyler Hughs @TylerHughs Replying to @jimmyfallon If society isn't ready to see a tampon in my kid's "Twas the Night Before Christmas" diorama, they shouldn't make a tampon the perfect "Not even a mouse." #DecorationDisaster


Text - Text - Kyle Shamorian @KyleShamorian Replying to @jimmyfallon My parents had a manger scene outside and during the night someone arranged it into a human pyramid. #DecorationDisaster


Text - A Zingle BelI Raq28 @raflocruz99 000 Replying to @jimmyfallon We wanted to buy an LED light up star for our tree. Every store near us & out of town we went to didn't have them in stock at the time, so we just bought a glitter covered star & put Christmas lights around it to make it "light up", making it our own LED star #DecorationDisaster

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