Saturday, October 24, 2020

Tumblr Thread: A Death God that's Not a Bad Guy

This thread asks the question, why would any God of Death every really need to be a bad guy? Why feel the need to speed things up if it's guaranteed to win in the end? These Tumblr users flesh out the idea of a death who's not that bad of a person. For some more creative tumblr musings on life and death and gods, here's a story about a selfless farmer with a heart of gold, as well as a tumblr thread on demons bonding over sandwiches.


Text - mikkeneko concept: a death god that is actually surprisingly supportive and on the side of the good guys, supporting actions and promoting policies that will lead to the kingdom growing and thriving instead of being destroyed, because the more the kingdom grows, the more people there are, and the more people there are the more people will eventually die, and when you're an immortal god of death, you know there's no need to rush. you'll get them all in the end mikkeneko i like how the resp


Text - honourablejester Yes. A Death that is kind, and patient, and inevitable. A Death that need not fight against you, that will often fight for you, because why not? It will gather you home eventually. Why not enjoy you first? A Death that treasures those who fight it most ardently. That loves healers and defenders and survivalists and necromancers and mad scientists and immortal gods. That lets them pour everything they are into fighting it, denying it, adoring every desperate scrap of stren


Text - A Death who will not seek to hasten an inevitable end, who will chastise those who seek to hasten it for others in Death's stead, who will slowly and patiently plot and sow and siphon away from the great monsters of the world. Because who are they to hasten Death's domain, who are they to deny Death its time and its place, who are they to cut short these vital glories that illuminate it so? Who are they to presume upon its will, that is so much larger and so much longer than theirs? Who a


Text - A Death that is not a hunter but a gatherer, who is always and eternal, who loves you, and can afford to wait. A Death who will fight for you and defend you, who will place its hand upon those who would speed you to its embrace, who has no need to rush you, only to greet you when you call. A Death who is kind. And patient. And, before all and above all, inevitable.

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