Saturday, October 24, 2020

Coworker Complains About Free Pizza, Petty Feast Ensues

Oh man, the look on that choosing beggar of a coworker's face must've been more delicious than any kind of Thanksgiving dinner. This guy addressed an unappreciative, office bully in just the kind of way that makes it deserving of a petty revenge medal. 


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/anon98199 · 225d + Join Coworker complains about free pizza So I was told this belongs here as well. Please enjoy So one of my coworkers is a huge choosing beggar. Like aggressively choosy to the point he will bully people who are buying him free things to get exactly what he wants. This normally doesn't affect me as I have learned to just tell him to fuck off (of course he always complains and pretends like I just attacked him out of nowhere but that's not the point of t


Text - super sweet older lady that isn't comfortable telling people no. One day we had pizza for a lunch meeting and we all realized that the favorite pizza of everyone in the office which she only ordered 1 of (at the time. She's learned to order more) was obviously different. I forget exactly what got left off but half of it was not what it normally comes with. I went and talked to the person who ordered it and she straight up told me that CB had stood by her desk and basically berated her unt


Text - mother fucker bullied a sweet old lady and changed a pizza order for the 1 pizza everyone in the office wanted just on the off chance he might want leftovers later. So you want to guess what I did. I ate it. All of it. I didnt want more than 1 piece but I ate all 6 pieces of a half pizza just so he couldn't have any. You can bet your ass he complained about it too. I just looked back and was like oh sorry did you want some during this meeting. Cause if I had known you wanted it today I wo

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