Saturday, October 24, 2020

Stingy Boss Skimps On Employees, Ego Takes Hit With Taxes

The human beings that insist on being jerks deserve to pay those taxes. Love to see a stingy and toxic boss get their comeuppance. If you enjoyed this fine tale of revenge, check out another recent story of petty revenge with a dad who took down an inconsiderate county mower with a rebar.


Text - r/ProRevenge + Join u/anonymous_bun • 194d Stingy, narcissistic boss negs and skimps on employees, so I damage his ego with some asshole tax Let's call my asshole boss Eugene, since his stinginess reminds me of Eugene Krabs from SpongeBob Squarepants, except Krabs is nowhere near malicious. In order to display the full satisfaction of this revenge, I will have to describe a few (but not limited) things Eugene did that entitles him to being a complete jackass.


Text - For the context, Eugene owns a small company that provides artistic services of some sort and never hired full-timers (which I later learnt that it was due to his stinginess). Initially, when I saw the open part-time position, I thought it was ideal for me as I had external commitments, and needed some sort of income. The job offers about 550USD per month (I don't live in the US, this is a rough conversion), but only required me to clock in about 90 hours a month. It wasn't a very good of


Text - The first couple of months was fine, I worked the hours I was supposed to and got paid accordingly, occasionally extending my shift at my own time due to the nature of the work, but I didn't mind. I guess Eugene saw this as an advantage he could exploit later on during my employment. It is also important to note that Eugene would often ask about my well-being, how did I spent my weekends etc. At this point in time, it all seemed like courtesy talk so I didn't pay much attention to it. He


Text - Eugene gradually began to grow more impatient towards me, often blaming me for not being able to match up to his ability. Remember when I was inexperienced thus the payrate? Eugene had over a decade of experience in this expertise and he expected me to be at his level when I was only 3 months in. The stress was intense and I began working longer hours just to keep up and produce work at the best quality I could. I was under the belief that if I worked hard enough, my effort will speak. Ev


Text - Eugene pulled me into his office and lectured me on my work etiquette, saying that I wasn't putting enough effort he was considering letting me go. At this point, I was beyond confused. Did he really not see the effort I put in? Was I delusional in thinking that I was actually doing well and my work had been improving? I tried speaking up but he quickly diverted the topic, telling me he knew the reason why my previous employer hated me. It was because I was lazy and uncommitted. To say I


Text - Now, if you read my title, you will see that Eugene was not only a narcissist but also stingy af. Eugene is obsessed with maximising his profits. Any business owner would love that, I agree, but Eugene is down to every cent in immoral and even possibly, illegal ways. He would sell a service to a client, and upon receiving the deposit, deliver something else. He was smart enough to keep his contracts vague (for both clients AND employees) so that nobody could not take legal actions against


Text - So in my country, employers are required to pay a certain amount of tax for every local employee they hire. While it is not exactly tax, it is obligated by law and negligence will result in a hefty fine and possibly jail time. These "taxes" are technically contributions for the employee's retirement funds, which is payable by every employer. Employer can deduct a certain percentage of the contributions from the employee's wages. This law has its own complications since there are a certain


Text - I stayed in Eugene's company for about 4 months, before I felt too mentally overwhelmed. On the day that I left, I called in to check on my Contribution account and just as I had expected, Eugene hadn't paid a single cent over the past 4 months. The officer on the other end of the line asked if I would like to report this as a case, guess my answer.


Text - A week later, I received an update from the Contribution Board, saying that Eugene had disputed my case, claiming that I was only an intern and thus, exempted from the law. This jerk was playing dirty as a last attempt to steal from me. As I had mentioned, Eugene thought of himself as a smart man, and probably felt that the officer would rule the case in his favor since he had world-class convincing skills and his vague "contract" would have protected him either way. Fine, Eugene. So you


Text - I didn't hear from the Officer for 2 weeks and when I finally did, he informed me that Eugene had agreed to pay my contributions. Remember when I said employers are permitted to deduct a certain percentage from employee's wages? Due to his negligence, Eugene could no longer do that and had to pay the full amount, on top of the fines that incurred along with it. If he had dutifully abide by the law, it would had only costed him a third of what he had to pay. So that's a bit of asshole tax


Text - A ex-colleague of mine, NJ, who is still working for Eugene told me that during the 2 weeks I didn't hear from the Officer, Eugene was busy fighting for his stand by giving every reason that I an exempted individual. The officer, having seen my email, soon got tired of his nonsense and gave him a deadline to pay up or he'll be brought to court. NJ said he had never seen Eugene so defeated before. To top it off, it seemed like karma had finally caught up to him as he started losing more an

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