Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Quick Tumblr Thread On Tips For Handling Anxiety

This quick and helpful Tumblr thread provides some tips for dealing with anxiety. It's all about giving that overactive brain and imagination something to play with. As it turns out, things like sucking on ice cubes or biting into lemons, are quite effective in alleviating those waves of anxiety as they pop up. 

Check out some more gold from the brilliant minds of Tumblr with this Tumblr monster prompt that invokes the feels.


Text - thesigilwitch I was just about to spiral into a bad panic attack, and my boyfriend goes "Stick an ice cube in your mouth." I'm not really sure where he got the idea, and I kinda laughed at it because I didn't see how it would help, but he was insistent. So I did it. And now I'm on my second cube, because it worked. thesigilwitch He explained his reasoning to me when he got home.


Text - 1. I would initially think "what the fuck" and be distracted from the anxiety. (Correct.) 2. The cold of the ice would shock my system, bringing me back to the physical world and reality, drawing my focus to the cold in my mouth, and keep my brain away from thinking "I'm panicking, I must be dying." (Correct.) 3. He assumed I hadn't drank much water today and wanted to keep me hydrated. (Triple correct.) arcisanickname It also forced your mouth to make saliva!


Text - When you go into fight or flight mode, non-crucial body functions stop working so you have more energy to do what you need to do to survive (000or to spiral into a panic attack). By forcing yourself to make saliva it helps calm you down because since fight or flight is an all or nothing response, they can't happen at the same time. Learned that from my old therapist, who would use it with veterans with ptsd queer-papayas I'm doing this right now and its working????


Text - april-thelightfury115 THIS! Do this! Anxiety is an emotional thing BUT there are feedback systems in place in your body that pay attention to physical states as well, which is why you then experience raised heart rate and so on when anxious. Eliminate or confuse one feedback system? Reduce anxiety. Go be free! smute biting into a lemon also works


Text - k-phoenix Btw, this is part of Dialectic Behavioural Therapy, DBT for short, which was invented by a woman with borderline. It doesn't only work with panic attacks but also self harm, negative thought spirals, and sometimes even intrusive flashbacks. Eating very spicey stuff works as well. I used to keep little packets of wasabi in my jacket, and that saved me more times I can count.

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