Saturday, April 4, 2020

Woman's Roommate's Boyfriend Keeps Hitting On Her

It sounds like this roommate was caught up in quite the uncomfortable situation, and ultimately decided to try and prove to her roommate that shady boyfriend was trying to spit game behind her back. Sounds like there was a bit of blindness to the potential truth of that reality. Some folks only see what they want to see. 


Text - AITA for proving to my roommate that her boyfriend keeps hitting on me? I'm Sam, my roommates name is Lauren, and her boyfriends name is Mark. Lauren and Mark have been dating for maybe four months. Mark always hits on me. Like always. As soon as Lauren walks away, Mark is laying it on thick with compliments, and asking when our lease is up.


Text - I wear a lot of body-con and sometimes low cut clothing , so expect to get glances maybe mild staring. But this guy is very obviously hitting on me, and often times in ways that make me uncomfortable, especially since he is always at our apartment.


Text - I have told Lauren several times that Mark hits on me, and she just rolls her eyes. She doesn't believe me, which is confusing to me. Lauren and I have been roommates for five years. In that time she has dated three other guys, and I have never complained about this before. So yesterday she tells me that Mark is coming over. I was like, great, I told her if she would just walk upstairs in our apartment building, and tell Mark that she was going around the block, she would walk in and see


Text - Mark gets to the apartment, and I am just doing the dishes, I tell him that Lauren went to the store up the block, but she is really right outside the door. He sits at the counter and starts chatting with me normally, then the conversation turns to him hitting on me. Normally I just walk away from Mark, but I endured it so that Lauren would see/ hear.


Text - She came in and told Mark to go to her room. Then she then she starts yelling at ME. Saying I saying I tried to seduce him and that I dressed like a slut. And l'm like "I always dress like a slut Lauren! Who cares! Your boyfriend is hitting on me!" We argued and both said some shitty stuff to each other. She and Mark are staying in her bedroom and we haven't spoken to each other since. As l'm thinking about it, l'm wondering if I am an asshole for even trying to do this but at the same ti


Text - I live in New York. I love my neighborhood I don't want to have to find a new roommate because of this idiot. If I did an asshole thing please tell me. AITA


Text - readinreadin • 7h • Partassipant [2] NTA and I love your self-aware bluntness. "I always dress like a slut Lauren! Who cares! Your boyfriend is hitting on me!"


Text - 1_Justbreakup • 8h • Supreme Court Just-ass [113] NTA, if you were trying to seduce him then why would you be continually trying to tell her about it and warn her. Her anger is completely misplaced, probably because she is in denial that her boyfriend is a fucking sleazebag


Text - Goldwing97 · 8h • Partassipant [1] NTA - your roommate sucks for not believing you when you first told her and Mark sucks for hitting on you when he has a girlfriend.


Text - CatKirsten • 7h NTA. You told her that Mark did this. She didn't believe you. Then she agreed to set a 'trap' (for lack of a better word). Then when it turned out you were telling the truth she got mad at you? That's a dickmove.


Text - chaoticridiculous • 8h • Asshole Aficionado [10] NTA - I think things were going to implode eventually anyways because you were uncomfortable and you would have continued being uncomfortable until something happened where this same scenario happened later or Lauren found out on her own. Putting it off for longer would have made it worse.


Text - nixstar7 • 7h NTA - if you hadn't said she's dated other guys that this hasn't happened with l'd hate myself for thinking this but l'd assume you were just self involved or exaggerating. As nice as it is of you to tell her, she is not secure enough to accept it and that's unfortunate for her. You were trying to protect her and had her best interest in mind and she attacked you and tried to "slut-shame" you? Not cool. If you wanted to preserve your living arrangement by offering some kind


Text - AdderWibble • 7h NTA, but she's fallen victim to the tired mentality of shooting the messenger. It tends to happen in these situations - she doesn't want to face up to the fact that her boyfriend is awful, so she's blaming you, despite the fact that none of her prior boyfriends have been stinkers like this guy. Hopefully she'll come to her senses eventually and realise that if you had in fact been trying to seduce him, you wouldn't have brought any of this to her attention in the first pl


Text - FargoHat • 8h • Asshole Aficionado [10] NTA. Your roommate is hurting, so give her some space. The boyfriend should be banned from your apartment.


Text - kgofo001 • 7h • Partassipant [2] NTA She didnt believe you and you proved your point in the best way you could. Also, love your self awareness. And, what you are wearing doesnt matter when her bf is being a total creep in your home!


Text - smellslikecatfish • 7h NTA. She agreed to do something to settle this once and for all, and then got mad at you when she found it it worked?! What the actual fuck.


Text - TinyFriendlyGhost • 6h • Partassipant [1] NTA. Dress how you'd like. If a dude is hitting on you because he thinks he can get away with it while his significant other is away, he's a major prick. Doesn't matter how you dress. You've been complaining about this for a while now- here's to hoping that your home situation improves.


Text - TheSilverNoble • 7h NTA I hate this sort of misogyny, and that is what's happening here.


Text - KGB4Life • 6h NTA- she AGREED to the situation. She's embarrassed about being betrayed. She will come around and thank you eventually.


Text - Boring_Life_12•6h NTA. Lauren is having a hard time believing her bf is an asshole. You got the proof and now it is her problem if she takes it or not.


Text - lilybraebees • 6h NTA. You're actually a really good friend. It's embarrassing to have a boyfriend hit on someone else, even though it's reflection on the boyfriend, who is just a sleazeball. Give her a little bit to come around, apologize for saying shitty things and let her know you're willing to work through this and that she needs to dump her loser boyfriend!


Text - KaijuAlert • 6h • Partassipant [4] NTA - Mark is a dick, Lauren will figure it out sooner or later. I don't see why you need to move though. Lauren is the one that should be looking for a new place if it comes to that. I hope she'll see all this in a different light once she's had time to process it.


Text - tgressyeg • 5h NTA - doesnt matter if your pussy lips are visible through your dress or just plain old visible, what you wear shouldn't effect how people treat you. Does this fucking turd lose his capacity to control his fucking tiny balls when he sees the outline of a nipple? Imagine going to the beach with this dirtbag. Also, everytime my hubby buys me clothes it's 80% TURBO SLUT GEAR 9000, the other 20% it'll be band shirts or something. You think he gets mad when some douche hits on m

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