Saturday, April 4, 2020

Window Washers' Most Memorable Sights On The Job

Window washers and people that have heard stories from window washers, are sharing those ridiculous moments people witnessed other people acting all kinds of ridiculous behind windows. It's amazing what kinds of strange and unexplainable stuff human beings can get up to, when they think they're in full privacy, and that nobody is watching them through those windows. These are absurd and hilarious. 


Text - 6969AnOnym0us6969 • 5h I work for a private estate in the local polo club. I was under the impression that the owners were not home at the time, but I was wrong. I was washing windows this particular morning andI came around to the restroom window and got an a prefect view of this older couple in the shower together (the window looked out on a private fenced in patio, so that's why it wasn't fogged glass. The window by the toilet is the same way. Bad design in my opinion.) I've never move


Text - Not a window washer, but I used to install them. One afternoon we'd gone out to a job where some asshole neighbourhood kids had smashed several back windows of a nice elderly couples place. We worked our way from top. First two windows belonged to an ensuite bathroom, while the third was the bedroom to which the ensuite was attached. The master. My job was to clear any remaining glass from the area so the other bloke could put the new panel in. Anyway, I noticed a small urn on the desk by


Text - bfly1800 • 8h S 2 Awards A tornado. We'd had little warning before we saw it about 1 kilometre away. It didn't appear to be moving side to side much, which indicates that it's coming towards you. We winched down about 4 floors, jumped onto a fire escape and got inside the building. Rode out the storm inside and then went home.


Text - CHICOHIO • 5h Talked to a window cleaner at the gherkin in London and the first installation of the diamond shaped glass was not secure. He had been on the building on a particularly windy day, they clean the glass every day, and a couple of panes crashed down. He said it was oddly beautiful, in a terrifying way.


Text - anteas06 • 5h I saw a window washer sneeze on the window and just spread it on the window with a towel like it's a cleaning liquid.


Text - ThronesOfAnarchy • 5h Not my story but my brothers. A very famous female comedian in my country had a house in our area and in her bedroom above the bed was a life-size "paint me like one of your French girls" oil painting of her starkers. He nearly fell off the ladder in surprise and she was stood at the bottom wetting herself laughing cause she knew what was coming


Text - ytoast • 4h Housekeeper checking in. This one lady liked to feed birds, like 50lbs every two weeks. No screens, sills caked in filth and the windows themselves had been neglected over time. They were Anderson windows so you could pull them in from the inside. Well the tension string broke and I'm literally holding the window by a string and this bird straight up flies into my face. I was shocked, the bird was shocked, I screamed, I like to imagine the bird did too. Bird flew away and I go


Text - ionakana511 • 5h I was washing windows at this one building. It was any ordinary day until i saw the biggest celebrity ever walk in. He was applying for a bank loan. But after a few minutes i saw that something was going on. The bank manager and several reps came out to discuss the justifications for his denial. I felt bad for the guy. He put his head down and walked out of the bank in shame. It became clear to me.... The Human Torch was denied a bank loan. TLDR: The Human Torch was denie


Text - North_chic • 5h Not a window washer but... I live in a two story building so we don't really bother with real curtains in the bathroom, we only have an extremely thin, see through white fabric over the window. The doors in the shower are glass... So, on this fateful day, i was taking a shower and my mom had unfortunately neglected to inform me that our gutter was getting repaired that day. So you can imagine my surprise when while i was just minding my bussiness ,getting soaped up in the


Text - Platinum_Mad_Max • 1h Favourite thing I saw was we were doing the windows for an older man who had his granddaughter over probably no older than 5. She got excited watching us so the guy gave her a wash cloth and she would try to mimic us cleaning while we did our work on the outside. That or the people that would come out with watermelon or water on extremely hot days. We rarely got a chance to stop, so once we ran out of water we were usually out for the day which made people like this


Text - Haboobalub • 5h 3 Awards One guy was on his computer wearing complete death metal attire. Spiked hair, full body leather and heavy and I mean heavy mascara/eye liner. He was facing the window and in turn me. He locked eyes with me the entire time I was doing my job. He looked like he was going to murder me. That's when I saw what he was watching on his computer. My little pony. That's when his demeanor changed. He realized what I saw and smiled from ear to ear.


Text - KingOfKills710 • 4h My grandfather owns a residential window washing business, I would work with him during summers as a teen (2-3 years ago) we pull up to the house my grandfather starts to greet the sweet old lady on the doorstep as I begin to bring the ladders and bucket out. After I get my belt on I make my way to the first window on the side of the house, I set up my ladder and go up to the second story. As I wet the window down I see the lady sitting down with her back to the window


Text - Leila_Koch • 5h 1 Award Not a window washer, but I saw a window washer dressed up like Batman while cleaning the windows of the cancer ward in the hospital (grandmother had cancer). The child cancer center was through a different door on the same hall as the elderly (60+) cancer center. I was 9 at the time and thought it was awesome, cheered me up for a while.


Text - ElevenSleven • 4h My dad owns a window cleaning company. It's mostly residental. Usually it's people changing or showering. Which is weird cause they know we're there. My favourite story is of a retirement community that didn't allow fences and sheds and had a bunch of other rules. When inquired about the sheds she said cause people grow dope in them

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