Friday, April 24, 2020

Customers That Were Spectacularly Wrong

Some customers assume that because customer service exists, they can just go right on with turning their brains off. That's not exactly how it works. A little common sense is required. And not only a little common sense, but how about some common decency as well? These tweets about customers being completely wrong, are a solid showcase in how the customer is certainly not always right. Yes, Karen can be wrong.


Text - Dai Lama @WelshDalaiLama They say "the customer is always right". Tell me a story of a customer you've encountered that proves this motto spectacularly wrong.


Text - SOPH @rfas906 Replying to @WelshDalaiLama My top 3 all while working at Tesco: 1) a smartly dressed man demanding a refund for his pink lady apple as "| cut it up this morning and as you can see it's turning brown"


Text - Alexa The Vampire Lover : @cosmosblue772 Replying to @WelshDalaiLama I worked in a movie theater and I had to work concessions and rip tickets sometimes. While helping in concessions I missed a couple and I went into the theater to rip their tickets and the husband acted so offended and accused me of not trusting them and left. Such an asshole


Text - Rhiannon Sandy @RhiannonSandy Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Worked in a hotel for a while. Couple tried to check in, I couldn't find a record of their booking. Bafflement ensued, and obviously it's my fault we've lost the booking. Then they realised they'd turned up a day early.


Text - Anthony C. Beale @Bealeionaire Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Too many to recall but probably my favourite is when I brought someone a calzone and when I put it down in front of them seeing their shocked face at the folded dough in front of them as they said "what's this I ordered a calzone pizza"


Text - Mei @MeirionRoberts2 Replying to @WelshDalaiLama I was a butcher and someome rang asking me to break down a whole pig for her. I said 'Yeah, sure its £30" then she asked if she could film me doing it on her phone so she wouldnt have to pay in the future. Phone went down pretty quickly


Text - Keiran Newberry @ksnewberry Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Work in the rail industry. Passenger asks if the train on the platform was going to Manchester. I told them no, this was the Holyhead train, the Manchester isn't for another half an hour. They argued and shouted it was, it must be, as it stops some of the places the Manchester...


Text - Keiran Newberry @ksnewberry Replying to @WelshDalaiLama ..does. I kept trying to tell them, but they got on anyway. Now, stops are the same to Shrewsbury, where due to late running it was ran fast to Chester, then Bangor. I do wonder what complaint they made to the staff that had to tell them Holyhead isn't Manchester...


Food - BillyBudd230 @billybudd23 Replying to @WelshDalaiLama A customer complained that when they opened their bbq, the food wasn't there. When I said the picture was just an indication of what you can cook on it she said she'd 4 more at home in the freezer. EZGRILL Disposable means NO MESS! Lights with 1 MATCH Cooks for up to 136 HOURS Disposable Instant Grill PERFECT FOR OWE ENTERTAINI TAGATNS BEACH PARRES CAMPA NIDLENAE ALL-IN-ONE COMPLETE BBQ! nn LUDCS


Text - Zachary Loeser @ZacharyLoeser Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Working at Borders there's a kid going nuts on the bargain books which had noisemakers. After 30 min a woman complains to me about how adults weren't disciplining their kids correctly. 15 noisy minutes later she decides to confront the kid - which she realized in shock was HERS.


Text - Kate Briscoe @celestineLB Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Kim Wilde getting stroppy with me because we don't serve Kir Royale by the bottle, demanded to see the manager. Who promptly over ruled his own rule. I'll never forget her smug smile of victory


Text - Anna @AnnaSels Replying to @WelshDalaiLama My favourite was the guy who kept taking a bite of the display apples of the pub my friend worked at. She kept telling him to stop. He didn't. So she threw one at him (not ideal). He then left, went across the street, bought a whole frozen chicken, came back, and threw it at her


Text - Huw Barrett @Huwbut Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Got called out because the owner said he could smell carbon monoxide coming from his boiler. Tried to explain. He's was having none of it.


Text - Cynthia At Home @SDatLarge We Can Do lh! Replying to @WelshDalaiLama I was a flight attendant and a man complained about his baked potato in flight, "this is a bad potato," he claimed. A senior FA picked up his plate, smacked the potato shouting "BAD POTATO!" Then put it back down.


Text - Ssuzy @suzy_swears Replying to @WelshDalaiLama A woman pulled up to the curb in front of the store, sent her tween in with a credit card and directions for him to buy her a pack of smokes, she's yelling through the car window it's ok because she's "right here". She didn't get her cigarettes that day.


Text - Dirt Witch @villagedickhead Replying to @WelshDalaiLama In McDonalds, some woman in the queue was arguing with her teenage son. When she got to the till, she demanded I tell her son that he'd end up working here like me if he didn't get good GCSES. I said "I have a degree" and she just snapped "Oh, how nice for you".


Text - Neil @_nea102_ Replying to @WelshDalaiLama I worked at a well known computer store (where in the world?). Had a chap almost throw his new computer at me, demanding his money back because it didn't switch on. I unboxed it, set it up & plugged it in. Worked straight away. He screamed "Why did you plug it in, it's wireless!"


Text - Hemogoblin @grinningsalt Replying to @WelshDalaiLama While I worked in the emergency room, a patient once told the nurse, "the patient is always right." To which the nurse, an absolute icon, responded with, "No."


Food - Commercial In KEEP CALM @Commercial_Inn DRINK AT THE COMM Replying to @WelshDalaiLama This meal was sent back as inedible and customer wanted a refund


Text - Rhydd Pugh @Rhyddian Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Had a customer ask if we sell DVDS because she wanted a copy of "Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Commerce". Another asked for "The Hounds of Hell" by Kate Bush. One asked, "Is this record any good?" I replied, "That's a T shirt sir." Pretty much every day in a record shop.


Text - Lisa Taylor @lisa_anne9999 Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Customer: I'd like a cappuccino - no chocolate on top, no foam and no milk. Me: ... so you'd like a black coffee? Customer: No, I only like cappuccino. I WANT a cappuccino! Me: *makes a black coffee* Customer: Perfect! I don't understand why you had to be so difficult about it


Text - Lewis Beecham @lewybeech58 Replying to @WelshDalaiLama OH THE BEST ONE. Working in McDonalds, customer ordered a nugget meal, I asked them if they wanted any ketchup, customer replied "no thanks l'll have red sauce".


Text - Kim C. @Artsykc Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Out of the bazillion ppl we see at Starbucks. A guy that l'd seen once long ago, gets upset I politely ask his order & don't have it memorized. He tells me, down the hill the girls know my order, they're so great. I know the jerks order now, but l'm still going to keep asking!


Text - @t8ne Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Customer stormed up after standing by the doors to the garden centre, "I've been pressing the service button for 15 minutes and you've been ignoring me!" "Service button?" "Yes, there!" "Ah, that's the button to open the doors you were standing next to; how can I help?"


Text - S Russ @brontosamus Replying to @WelshDalaiLama Customer "I ordered no tomatoes on these nachos" Me "those are red peppers"


Text - Zofina @zofina Replying to @WelshDalaiLama "No, it absolutely can't be booked in any other name. I never use another name" "Could it be this name?" "Well, yes, that's my maiden name of course!"


Text - John @theuserjohnny Replying to @WelshDalaiLama *working on a drink. Them: I said I wanted it iced Me: Umm this isn't your drink?

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