Friday, April 24, 2020

Wildest Reasons People Have Been Dumped

Someone on AskReddit kickstarted a thread about the most ridiculous reasons that people have been dumped. Considering all of these wild tidbits, it looks like people can get very imaginative when it comes to ending things with their significant other. Some folks would seem to rather spew out some random BS than explain in honest detail, why things didn't work out. It can be understandable. The truth hurts, sometimes. 


Text - iamkokonutz • 11h My ex's cat was named "Ben". The girl I was dating's cat was named "Bundles". One day, I called "Bundles", "Ben". She asked me what I just called her cat. I thought about it, and then remembered that was my ex's cat's name. I laughed and told her and she was super unimpressed. Broke up with me the next day.


Text - EmeraldGlimmer • 11h I was dating a guy whose parents didn't like me. It was a long distance relationship, and so we mostly chatted online but also made occasional phone calls. So we were talking on the phone, and at one point I said, "You shouldn't have to choose between me and your parents.." The conversation continued, we decided to break up. We stayed friends. Something like 10 years later, we were talking online when the subject of our breakup came up. Turns out he thought I had said


Text - raider34 • 11h Shared this before here, but this has and will always take the cake for me. College GF's Dad won 1 million dollars in the state lottery over winter break. Broke up with me over the phone, telling me "now that Il'm rich, I can't afford to date regular people like you. That's really the only thing wrong, you're just regular."


Text - ryanhedden1 • 13h She found out the truck I was driving was owned by my mom


Text - Mother-Bored • 13h One of my exes dumped me saying that he wanted to "be like paul" from the bible...


Text - CodeEnd • 12h Made a girl smile too much. She had braces and it cut up the inside of her mouth.


Text - PortugueseBenny • 12h I wish I still had the text ... Long story short. She was mad I DIDN'T grab her ass ... In public.. On our first date


Text - SC487 • 13h 1 Award "I'm not ready for a relationship". I thought it was a bad time to bring that up since we were engaged and had been together for almost 2 years.


Text - WannabeaViking • 13h Apparently I gave her too much anxiety when I bought her a coffee that one morning and she broke up with me the same week


Text - JadeDragonTait • 13h The guy I was dating broke up with me cause he had family problems, I was all like, "i'm so sorry. I'm here if you need me." Two days later I find out he lied and asked out one of my best friends and she said yes. About a week later I asked him why he dumped me and he left me on read.


Text - purelyparadox23 • 14h After going out with this guy for 6 months I asked him if we were dating and he immediately ghosted me.


Text - soccer_rules6 • 14h Not me but one of my friends who's a senior in high school got dumped by her boyfriend who she dated for almost 2 years. He dumped her because he didn't want to go to the school dance. A few days later he texted her to tell her that he wanted to get back together but she declined. He could have just told her that he didn't want to go and still be her with her or just go to the stupid dance.


Text - gerry1doherty2 • 15h The girl told me she thought this boy who she had a crush on for a long time was gonna ask her out. She said this to me. Her then bf


Text - gingerbakes • 13h My boyfriend broke up with me because he was moving away to go to puppet school.


Text - Buegs • 10h "We have to break up. I mean, we can't even get married... you're allergic to fish!" She chose the occasional tuna sandwich over me. I laughed and still tell the story so I guess it's a win!


Text - JonBoah • 13h "I don't feel a spark of anything when we kiss anymore" At that time I got hit in the mouth with a bat and couldn't kiss her for the past month. If you didn't want to be with me just say it or at least come up with a better lie to dump me over


Text - WaggDagg • 13h "God told me not to date you. I'm sorry." And guess what: this happened TWICE. (With two different girls)


Text - DaniB3 • 13h I said love you, she got mad I forgot the I.


Text - hotidit • 11h "I love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you. We have to break up, if it's really meant to be then we will end up together again like they do in the movies."


Text - billbapapa • 14h "Dumped" might be extreme, but on a first date, girl asked me to go buy her popcorn literally as the movie started, so I did, whispered as I was getting up, "you want butter on that?". Brought it back and she says, "Is there butter on this?" I said, "yes, I asked and you said 'yeah" and she said, "no, I specifically said, 'nah".. I thought she was joking or something, it was like a Signfeld bit. So I said, "Well, maybe this just isn't going to work out." And she said, "I


Text - ellie318 • 13h He dumped me because I cheated on him.. In his dream!


Text - gentlemanloser1988 • 13h On the surface, it sounded okay. My GF and I were kinda fizzling out. But when she dumped me, she said it was because I was not religious enough. She wanted to go to church every Sunday and for major religious holidays. I was okay with her going but I was conflicted about religion at the time so I didn't want to go. So that is what she said when she dumped me. Seems like a decent reason. What made it ridiculous is that about 6 months later, she was dating the pres


Text - FFrancis24 • 12h I was "too clingy" She got mad every time I hung out with anyone that wasn't her.


Text - Whole_Swimming • 13h My fifth grade boyfriend dumped me over XBox Live.


Text - lintrules • 10h I got dumped because the headlights on my car didn't come on automatically when I started my car. I'm assuming he had other reasons, but this is what I was told. And I love laughing at it!


Text - ionised • 12h Because I asked her if -- for once -- I could talk about my day. Nope. Not an option. Looking back, thank fuck that happened, but the fallout is still immense.


Text - highpockets1925 • 10h Actually had a guy dump me because I'm a carpenter, and according to him, it's just not lady like.


Text - YoungWazir786 • 14h She wanted to pity date a guy to not hurt his feelings, even though her and I were exclusive, temporarily before she would let him down kindly. Spoiler alert, it just ended in two pissed off guys and a sad girl


Text - sheepherder87 • 12h Ex wanted me to drop out of my Master's program six months before graduation so l could work at Walmart for the rest of my life. And it hurt his feelings I had a higher degree than him. So him being ridiculous made me dump him :)


Text - Neiladaymo • 13h 2nd grade. Been dating for a few months. All the sudden she breaks up with me, I ask why, "well, Richard is just more interesting than you" Sticks with me to this day.


Text - volsung808 • 13h 1 Award Finally grew a spine and started thinking with the big brain upstairs. Got into an argument over trying to initiate sexy time, was trying to do everything she told me to, got blown off and showed my frustration. I said "What do you want me to do? I'm trying to do everything we talked about and you keep pushing me away even more now." She said, "You are an (almost at the time this was years ago) 25 year old man, you should just know what I want and how I want and w


Text - thebunnyfluffer • 13h He said he didn't want to see me anymore because he didn't like that I had played with a Ouija board when I was a kid.


Text - villemairejones • 9h I bought my GF one of the World of Warcraft expansion packs for her birthday. She started playing again -- like she really got into it -- and I hardly saw her. She'd play all night and would come to bed as I was getting up. To be clear, that made me want to dump her. But, what ended up happening was she started playing with her ex and it apparently rekindled their feelings for each other, because she dumped me after a couple of weeks of this shit and got back with him

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