Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Most Illogical Things People's Parents Do

Parents can end up doing some awfully silly, seemingly nonsensical stuff. Maybe it's all in the perspective though. Like, the younger generations will just never understand how their parents ended up with some of the strange, conditioned behavior that they did. That being said, it can make for some awfully entertaining situations. 


Font - getupgetonit · 8y My mother puts a cover on basically everything. She puts a sheet over her car in the garage at night so it doesn't get dusty. She had me install plywood on top of a $5 garage sale table to protect the table surface, and now she puts placemats on top of the plywood to protect the plywood, and coasters have to go on the place mat to protect the placemats. She got sick of my Dad's beer mug dripping condensation, so she folds up a paper towel and puts it on the bottom, and p


Font - hotofsky · 8y My mom will put something in the microwave and set the timer for double the time it needs to be in for and then tell me to "take it out when it's been in for half the time I set it for." Like... why not just set it for the amount of time it actually needs to be cooked for so you don't have to sit there and babysit it? When I asked her why she does this she got super pissed at me. 2.3k •..


Human body - FuzzyCommandPenguin · 8y My mom confiscated my toothbrush once because she was angry at me for comparing my grades to hers when she was in high-school. I kid you not. 1.6k ...


Font - Kanishiwa · 8y My mom spent over 4 grand on living room furniture (couch, love seat, two leather recliners) and she will not allow ANYONE, even her own children and grandchildren to sit on them. Whenever l'd invite people over everyone awkwardly stands around or sits on the floor. -_-


Font - mikerock112 · 8y My dad puts his socks and shoes on before his pants 555 ... +


Font - MakeMeBeautifulDuet · 8y We never had a blender in the house. I always assumed that they were very expensive and that was why, so I made my milkshakes in a bowl with a spoon up until I was about 17 when I realized that you could get one for like twenty bucks. I told my mom, feeling so excited because clearly she did not know that they were cheap. Her response? A strong and unprovoked... "I DON'T WANT ONE OF THOSE IN MY HOUSE!" ... My husband and I are still scratching our heads over that


Font - puppet1987 · 8y My mother in law is a gold mine for this sort of thing: She will by expensive food, then get upset if you eat it because it cost so much money...then get upset when it goes off because you didn't eat it. She hangs wet clothes on clothes hangers, and then on the washing line. She will clean the bathroom at 5am, then get upset whenever someone uses it for the rest of the day because they're making a mess. I'm sure I can find out more if you're interested. 91 ...


Human body - Grapeking · 8y My girlfriend's parents let her go to a college halfway across the country, but when she's home they don't let her stay out past 11pm. She's 19.


Rectangle - Shahaha · 8y My parents pluralize words that shouldn't be. Spaghettis, Subways ( the sandwich place), Price Clubs. It gets really infuriating. Edit: I'm from Long Island. No one in my family is from Michigan 1.1k ...


Font - [deleted] · 8y My mom enjoys writing things down, no matter the situation. Say we're standing right next to each other and she needs me to do the dishes. She'll search extensively for a pen and a piece of paper, and write the exact words she just said, and hand me the paper. She also hates wasting energy, but she'll turn on a computer and the radio, then proceed to go to her room and turn on the tv while reading a book. 65 ...


Font - jotarowinkey · 8y my mom is convinced that any video game system will ruin the screen of any TV. i explained to her it was a plasma issue and that video game systems and TVs have timer, so she decided to ask a fifty year old acquaintance. he said video game systems are bad for tvs. i haven't had a video game system for 5 years. 126 ...


Human body - [deleted] • 8y Buying gallons of water at Wal-Mart that say "Bottled at a municipal source" in small print. It's TAP WATER, you fools! 928 ...


Font - Rachel879 · 8y This is how my mother woke me up for school. Rachel, I'm going to wake you up in an hour. Rachel, I'm going to wake you up in 45 minutes. Rachel, I'm going to wake you up in half an hour. Rachel, I'm going to wake you up in 20 minutes. Rachel, l'm going to wake you up in 10 minutes. Rachel, l'm going to wake you up in 5 minutes. Rachel, I'm going to wake you up in 1 minute. Rachel, time to wake up. Finally, one day I snapped and there was much swearing. 892 ...


Rectangle - Libertarian1986•8y My mom gets angry if we "slam" the car door. She thinks the car door hinges will wear out/fall off if we close the door and it makes a sound. She wants us all to close the door silently. 57


Hair - SPiiiRAL · 8y "stop playing computer and watch tv or something, you've spent to much time infront of a screen."


Rectangle - lunderstandSarcasm · 8y My mother likes to read horror books. Its not uncommon to find them in the freezer when they get too scary. 1 27 ...

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