Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dumb Baby Names People Had To Be Talked Out Of

For some reason, when people get a particularly stupid name in their head, it's a really hard time for the people around them to convince them that no, maybe "Tylenol van Halen" is a bad name for a baby, you stupid idiot. Some of these people weren't even convinced effectively, and still ended up naming their kid "Hot Wheels" or whatever. This kind of crap happens all the time, like this boyfriend who wanted to name his baby after a character from Twilight.


Human body - sungayray 4 days ago I currently work with someone who's first name is "Imunique". I don't think any midwives or nurses were involved with the naming.


Font - Not-an-Ocelot 5 days ago I worked at a registrar for a while and among the birth certificates I got some of the standouts i saw were: Killer, Syphilis and Sweet Prayer Sunrise (this one was a boy)


Organism - Flaky_Walrus_668 4 days ago - edited 4 days ago 3 2 My ex husband didn't think it was fair that girls could be names "Grace" or "Hope" etc and seriously suggested "Pestilence" "War" or "Plague" for a boy. His choice for a girl was "Tangerine". Fortunately we never had any children.


Rectangle - bigpsych5150 5 days ago not a nurse, but as a med student a patient wanted to name her child mudpiles. The nurses silently protested and waited a few days. Mom changed her mind.


Hair - greenqueen420420 5 days ago My boyfriend was nearly called eggbert... But predominantly egg for short. Glad they decided against it!


Font - skippyist 4 days ago My classmates mother was a maternity nurse and she has a couple who wanted to name their son "Collin" but wanted to give him a "unique" spelling for it. (I do not understand why parents do this. It doesn't make a boring name more interesting all it does is set your child up for lifelong inconvenience.) They spelled it out for her to put on the birth certificate C-O-L-O-N. They tried to name their son colon. As in, the organ attached to your anus. When my classmates mo


Font - BobosBigSister 5 days ago Not in the medical field, but a teacher. There are certain names that each teacher avoids because we've had a student (or seven) with that name who were difficult in one way or another. One year, there were four Dylans in the same cohort and they were all hell on wheels. One of the teachers at that grade level had a baby with his wife that spring, and she named the kid Dylan. The rest of us were like, "didn't you vehemently veto that?" He just shrugged and said i


Font - Maleficent_Mink 5 days ago And here my mom was talked out of naming me Violet. "Sounds like an old lady" they said.


Product - orangemessy 5 days ago I have a false leg. My parents had to be talked out of calling me 'Peggy' by the midwife.


Font - BigOrangeBall 5 days ago e I once had a student named Linoleum. Some midwife dropped the ball on that one. My brother wanted to name our soon to be younger brother Corn Peas and our parents almost went with it because they felt bad about asking for his input and then rejecting it. Fortunately they got over that and passed on the name.


Font - Varvara-Sidorovna 4 days ago Back in 2000-2004 I worked at a hospital doing admin and an ol' battleaxe of a senior midwife stomped over with this angry-looking pregnant teenager in tow. "Varvara!" Old Battleaxe roared. "Varvara, open up that internetty-thing on your computer!" Old Battleaxe did not know computers, but she was well scary, so I agreed, and opened up the internetty-thing. "Show this ridiculous child the first picture that appears when you type in the word Chanterelle!" The a


Font - "Told you! It's a f.'king fungus!" Old Battleaxe roared, and stamped off to be Terrifying and Sensible at other pregnant teenagers, leaving me with the angry one. Turned out that the name she had actually been thinking of was Chardonnay, which is both the name of very expensive wine and the name of a character in a UK soap opera called Footballers Wives, which was about as classy as it sounds. The baby got that as a middle name later on, which was fine, the first name was Sophie or someth


Font - Bingo-Bongo-Cat 4 days ago Before I was born, my dad wanted to name my Sky... But he thought that replacing the y with an I would be cute. Thank god my mom isn't stupid or I may have been named Ski.


Font - SweetleafSC 4 days ago I work in a music store that offers lessons and rents instruments. We have a list of the oddest child names. - Jamuary, Qwest, Sixte, She'Bra, Battle, ShyAnn are just a few on there. - The best one was Alivia (pronouned Ah- Lee-Vee-ah). When speaking with the grandmother she said that the mom wanted to name her Olivia but the father hated the name. Dad saw a bottle of Aleve on the counter so he and the mother compromised and came up with Alivia.


Font - WeaselBit 4 days ago Boss's friend named their kid Monster Galileo <last name>. Nurse tried to talk them out of it. Called in child services to talk them out of it. They insisted. Kid goes by Galileo. Honestly, I kind of like the sound of it for an adult or a performer's name but guh, being a kid named 'monster' has to be rough in school.


Font - Chris_Thrush 4 days ago I tried to tell someone not to name their kid Tarmac. They learned the word from NASCAR.


Font - SpecificMost19 4 days ago 2 e I had a coworker named Trina. When she was pregnant, she told me that she and her husband had decided to name the baby Latrine. I had to explain to her that she was naming her poor baby after the hole in the ground that soldiers shit into. She was horrified, and changed it to Katrina. Two days after the kid was born, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.


Rectangle - keelled 5 days ago I was originally supposed to be lex like lex Luther my dad talked my mom into naming me Alexander and me nickname be lex but they just called me Alex


Font - goddesswithgatos 4 days ago My boyfriend's grandmother wanted to name her daughter Sunshine. The midwife said that wasn't allowed because "it wasn't a real name" and his grandmother had no other back up baby names. So, a few minutes later when she heard someone down the hall screaming "Tina", she named her daughter Tina because she couldn't think of anything else on the spot.


Font - omega12596 4 days ago My mother (who has an odd, to say the least, sense of humor) wanted to name my baby brother Ichabod Rusty. Our surname is Ford. She was determined to call him Ichy Rusty Ford. Tickled herself s.less through the pregnancy. And look it was funny, I mean I was 12, but everyone thought she was just being her usual goofy self. Apparently, she got attached to it and at some point Dad just said "f. k no, we are not naming the baby that." They settled on something much more


Human body - keikei94 4 days ago My uncle wanted to name his daughter Raider God. I'm glad they settled on Jada.

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