Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Company Thinks Employee's Being Dishonest With Time Logging, Learns Otherwise

Sometimes, you can find yourself playing by all the rules in the book, and still you end up getting in trouble. In fact, there are cases where people that are bent on enforcing all the rules to an impossibly strict standard (or the rules might just suck to begin with) only end up being their own worst enemies in the end. One can only imagine what kinds of priceless expressions must've been written on the faces of this employee's bosses'. 


Font - r/MaliciousCompliance + Join u/ExecutorAxon · 2y 1 Want me to log my work time more accurately using a timer because you think I'm cheating you? Happy to oblige. M This happened a while ago, and l've since moved jobs. Basically, every employee in my department was supposed to log their work hours and the project they were working on. When I first joined the company, I noticed that there was an inbuilt timer in the software which you can start/stop to get accurate logs, but I asked my boss


Font - So I started logging my time just like everyone else. Things were fine for quite a while, till I started putting in more and more hours to get work done. Fast forward to that fateful day, I get called by management. They tell me that my logging seems "dishonest" and "deliberately misleading". I got told off saying they rely on these numbers to plan deadlines for the future (only on paper, not in practice) and that I'm cheating the company. They instructed me to only use the timer next day


Font - I should probably mention that the way I logged time till then was rounded down to 30 minute increments, just out of personal preference. For example, if a meeting lasted 45 minutes, l'd more often than not log 30 mins. On top of that, I used to remove an hour off the top just as an eyeball figure for lunch and smoke breaks, because on avg that's how long it took. And I should add that everyone, including my bosses, used to log time similarly. The company had trusted us to not be dishones


Font - Anyway, that day on, I started using the timer for everything. 10 minute briefing? Going in the log. 5 minute company call? Logged. Started eating in 15 mins instead of 30, cut down smoke breaks from two to one, etc. Basically, I made sure almost every minute between my in and out times would be accounted for. They also maintained a timestamp of all the times someone enters and exits the office, which they combined with the log to check. I made sure I was not being dishonest in any way, a


Font - As you can guess, all the 11 hour overtime days piled up pretty quick, and at the end of the month, I got called by management again. My boss and his boss were both there. My boss was furious, demanding to know how my overtime hours had nearly doubled from previous months. I just said I don't know, I'm using the timer just like I was instructed to. I told them to go through my in and out times, my breaks, my deliverables, and when the timer was started and stopped to check if I was being


Font - Next day, my boss told me to stop using the timer again, and apologised for calling me dishonest. I stopped using it, but I told him that now I knew more accurately how long my stuff takes, so l'll be logging accordingly even if I do so manually. TL;DR: Comapny assumes I am being dishonest with my time logging because of long working hours, ask me to use inbuilt timer, which actually ends up showing more hours than I was logging before. EDIT: Wow I've read almost every reply. Thanks to ev


Font - Also, i found out later why they were this mad at me was because they knew after l'd tell people, everyone's leaves would go up, and us being understaffed at the time it wouldn't have been great for the company. 19.3k 682 ↑, Share

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