Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Coworker Pitches Fit Over Son Being Served Red Wine Pasta Sauce

This voluntary chef decided to ask the moral judges of Reddit's infamous AITA community whether or not they were in the wrong for serving their coworker's son red wine pasta sauce. Apparently the coworker staged a bit of a freakout because they believed the red wine pasta sauce was alcoholic, and that their son was basically served some red wine. It sounds like someone might benefit from doing just a little bit of research before pitching a fit. Alcohol has a tendency to burn off in many foods it's cooked with. 


Font - AITA for serving an 8 year old red wine pasta sauce? Not the A-hole As a special favor, I babysat my coworker's 8 year old son the other evening. The kid asked for pasta and red sauce for dinner, so I made a really great tomato/red wine/sausage sauce recipe I know. He absolutely loved it.


Font - A couple days later, my coworker told me that her son hasn't stopped raving about the pasta dish I served him, and asked for the recipe, which I gladly gave her. Upon reading it, she got really angry, and said that it was totally inappropriate for me to serve a child wine sauce. I told her that the alcohol almost entirely boils off when the sauce simmers, but she said that she does not want her kid consuming any amount of alcohol, and that I was really irresponsible for not asking her per


Font - When I was little (I'm in my early 30s, so l'm not that old), all of us kids grew up eating red wine tomato sauce, penne alla vodka, meats with wine sauce, tiramisu, fruitcake, etc., and nobody would have ever thought to ask parents' permission before serving such dishes to someone else's kid. I don't think this is a generational thing, none of my friends with kids would have a problem with it either. Is my coworker being weird, or was I the a-hole? (BTW, the coworker isn't of a religion


Rectangle - lepetitbutch · 18h · Partassipant [1] 3 1 Award NTA. Your coworker is totally overreacting. I'm sure her kid has also eaten stuff with vanilla extract in it, which is like 35% ABV. It's not like you served her kid a glass of Merlot with dinner Imao. G Reply 2.8k ...


Font - YankeeDoodleDoggie • 17h Ok, at first I thought you accidentally served a sauce that was 8 years old. Then I thought you might have accidentally used an 8 year old bottle of wine for your pasta recipe (presumably being saved for something more special). The thought of a kid eating a sauce with wine in it being bad was so far off my radar I did brain gymnastics to figure out what else the problem could have been NTA. G Reply 1 2.0k 3 ...


Font - NTA.I think your coworker needs to do some research on how alcohol is used in cooking for flavor. There's literally no alcohol in the food anymore whatsoever and is not harmful. It's basically grape juice at that point. O 6 Reply ↑ 9.4k 3


Font - NTA. Although l'm sure she really is offended that in her eyes you "gave her child alcohol", I also think she is a bit jealous that you made something her son hasn't quit raving about. G Reply 147 5 ...


Font - LittlestSlipper55 • 15h · Partassipant [1] While I definitely think you're coworker is being very weird, I'm gonna go unpopular and say NAH. You're right that simmering off the red wine does burn off most (but not all!) the alcohol, and most wine used in cooking is for flavour and taste purposes. My mum uses red wine in her bolognese sauce as well, and when I worked as a dishwasher we actually had these giant box wine caskets that specifically said "White Cooking Wine" and "Red Cooking Wi


Smile - Dinosaurus84• 18h I was gifted a cook book especially for babies starting on puréed foods up to solids and the spag bol recipe says to use a cup of red wine. G Reply 1 27 ...


Rectangle - BelliAmie • 17h NTA. No more "special favours" for this ungrateful and ignorant co-worker. She had no right to get angry at you. Remember this next time she asks for a favour. G Reply 1 32 3 ...


Font - NTA. It wouldn't even occurred to me not to feed it to a kid. My teenager makes an amazing bourbon peach dessert and a killer vodka tomato sauce. It's an ingredient, not a glass full. G Reply 39 3 ...


Rectangle - NTA It's standard. Does she also check the skincare or other products she uses on her kids? They contain alcohol and are absorbed through the skin. G Reply <> 48 3 ...


Font - Few-Yogurtcloset-612 · 18h NTA. Your coworker needs to learn that mustard also contains a form of alcohol. Reply 4 15 3 ...


Rectangle - No-Page3974 • 16h NTA I have no words. It's cooking wine. Smh G Reply 3 3 ...


Font - Quicksilver1964 • 14h • Partassipant [2] NTA. Your coworker really knows nothing about using wine in cooking. I'm glad the kid liked it. G Reply 1 3 ...


Font - ADB_BWG • 17h • Partassipant [1] || NTA. And I hope she never gives her kid anything flavored with vanilla extract. G Reply 10 ...

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