Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Greedy Company Man Tries To Screw Over Union, It Backfires

Man, you've got to sink very, very low to consider trying to screw over a union. It sounds like Willard definitely misplaced his moral compass. The guy was out there apparently trying to make it look like there weren't enough unionized workers to do the job, and then subcontracting the positions to his friend's company. No good, at all. Well, as these things will often shake out, it certainly blew up in Willard's face. 


Font - r/ProRevenge u/littlemissbunnywoman • 7h + Join O 2 3 1 1 Don't mess over a union man I posted before but it was removed i used an acronym so iu was advised to repopost My late husband was a Redseal Carpenter with the Carpenters Union Of Canada. This story was his and it happened several years before he passed.


Font - My husband had this guy who he did not get along with Willard who also happened to be his union representative. The relationship between the two was, we'll say, troublesome. My husband was a do-it-by the book, don't cut corners, do it one time correctly kind of man. This guy always gave my husband trouble because he had slight seniority. Things like my husband's vacation would get bumped for Willard even though we had booked it 6 months in advance. Or my husband being ignored for a positi


Font - W was a real company man. Like make the company happy, the workers don't matter, cut corners, hire non- union laborers even though they were required to only hire union members (unless the union committee was unable to meet the required amount of union workers). See, on the team my husband was on, most of the members were made up of W's buddies and this really messed my husband over.


Font - Well it came to the day that Willard was offered and accepted a position within a company he was contracted to, and he took it. My husband was made aware of this and he wished W farewell. My husband assumed he would be leaving as the union rep. W did not. (The problem with that is it's super against all union contracts and agreements and a super NO NO). My husband tried to get in touch with the higher-ups but was unable to. He was brushed off. There was a process to do it but you had to g


Font - So my husband said his time. : it" and decided to just bide The quarterly union meeting was coming up in a few months. Well, not many of the workers went to the union meetings, but my husband put on his Sunday best and made sure to be there extra early. After all the union meetings were done and over with, the leader of the union opened up the floor to any questions.


Font - My husband was first in line and asked a single question that ruined Willards career. "So you were recently promoted to a position within the company they were contracted to. Who am I supposed to voice my concerns to now that you're now working directly for company XYZ?" The man's face went white. He never even reported to the union that he was working for the company.


Font - The fallout was beautiful. Within a week Willard was ejected from the union, was fired from the job with the company he was contracted then hired with , and blacklisted from ever rejoining the carpenters union across Canada. He was also fined a fairly substantial amount of money. It turned out he was making it look like there was not enough unionized workers to do the jobs and subcontracting the positions to his friend's company. Last I heard, he moved to a small community in northern Ont

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