Thursday, February 25, 2021

Twitter Thread: Our Bodies Go Whale Mode During Cold Water Exposure

Learn something new every day. As it turns out, our bodies do a ton of really bizarre/cool stuff when they're exposed to cold water. Basically, a little bit of cold water exposure can work wonders when you're wrestling with a gnarly bout of anxiety or depression. Of course, we're not out here saying that cold water exposure is a guaranteed tonic for anyone struggling with mental illness, but it might be worth a shot at the very least. 


Font - I cannot begin to tell y'all how much my life has improved since I learned to intentionally trigger my mammalian diving reflex, love tricking my spleen every day 2/14/18, 12:27 PM


Font - I:7h When you, a land mammal, go in the water, your whole body goes ??!?!?!!!?!?!?!?! and does a TON OF COOL- because it thinks you wanna be a whale again. Bodies are stupid, you should take advantage of your rube organs 27 40 6. 275 1-7h According to my research, your face is the area where most of your breathing holes are located. When those intake valves encounter cold water, your heart, lungs, brain, and spleen go UH, FINE, I GUESS 3 27 11 149


Font - -: 7h Your heart goes OH GREAT I GUESS THERE'S NEVER GONNA BE OXYGEN AGAIN vand the beat drops- by like 15%. You can totally induce bradycardia by putting cold water on your face because your heart is a GULLIBLE FOOL ... 96 27 19 175


Font - · 7h BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE Your spleen, which medical professionals refer to as "the liver but STUPIDER," is also totally fooled by you pretending to turn back into a whale. Q2 L716 199 y 7h So, if you do the cold water on your face (best with submersion but splashing or a wet washcloth works too) and hold your breath for a few seconds, your spleen goes AAAAHHHH and sends you a BUTT-TON of extra red blood cells 3 175 126 ·: 7h Your spleen sends you all those extra red blood cells because,


Font - .. 7h Your spleen sends you all those extra red blood cells because, terrifying fact, if you were a whale your size you'd have 3x as much blood in you as you have now. Just. You, with a blowhole, FULL of blood. That's what your spleen wants. 2713 192 -7h How long are you gonna hold your breath while you're with your organs? Because if you hold it for a little longer, you get *THE BLOOD SHIFT*- 275 106


Font - 1: 7h So when l'm all stressed and freaked out and and my heart rate is too high and my breathing is shallow, I ask myself: how would a whale respond to this situation 4 27 27 235 "y· 7h And then I go hold my breath and put cold water on my face for like thirty seconds (or submerge my face if I can) and then I LAUGH because my organs are FOOLS AHAHAHAHA I WIN AGAIN 07 2715 297

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