Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Strangest Things Coworkers Say

Twitter users are sharing the strangest things their coworkers say. It could be something as simple as an enthused "good morning" from a coworker that always seems to wake up on the right side of the bed, while you are busy cursing the daily morning grind. Or maybe, it's genuinely puzzling nonsense from clueless coworkers that has you scratching your head. Some of these might ring a bell. 

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Text - Ana-Ztyllablintz07-Kerie @Crampedsultana #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay "Gary, I have a house of ill-repute on the line!" True story, that. A brothel in New York was calling in to complain about a mattress sagging. They are not intended for commercial use, folks! They wanted a supervisor after being told that.


Text - ELM | Ervin Lovett Miller @ELMplan elm #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay "Please stop eating my shoes." "Did you eat my pen?" "You're so soft!" Things get a little interesting when you have an Associate Barkitect on staff.


Text - HI HIDIVE @HIDIVEofficial "We can only discuss hentai during business hours." And yes, one of our coworkers actually did say that. #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay


Product - Bruce Daley @brucedaley Its strange. They give the food names here at work. Yesterday I ate a sandwich from the frig called "Bill". #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay


Text - David Partelow @TheDorkery #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay At the Oncology Clinic: New Person: Il've met all the doctors, but not Dr. Christine yet. Me: We don't have that doctor. NP: Yeah you do! Hear about them all the time. Dr. Ven Christine or something. Me. .That's's a chemo drug.

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Text - JOY Undiluted @joyundilutedmbs #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay Rayn- "Your eyes are the color of Cheetoes dipped in Salsa Verde." Josie- "Is that a compliment?" Rayn- "Yes, it's a great snack."


Text - dead and betty'd @Ur_Eggcellency We were having a potluck and someone seriously said "Next time, let's do a salad theme!" #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay


Text - Theresa is Dead @Theresa_is_Dead "So, washing hands isn't optional?" - Bob #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay


Text - Takuma Nuva @takumalight PLOVER I Her: How are you today? Me: (thinking) Ummm . . that depends on what-- ........ Her: Oh, for crying out loud, just say "I'm doing fine" so we can move on with our lives! #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay


Text - Food Processing @FoodProcessing For us, our best #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay covers a lot of ground as a food trade publication, digital marketers, and who cover sweets and baking: Hey, how are we doing on those cookie drops?


Text - βεαημt @AngryPeanut4 #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay Sarcasm doesn't get you anywhere. Me: Well it got me to the Sarcasm World Champsin in '98. Coworker: Really? Me: No.


Product - Apathy's the national disease with no end in sight @SethFromThe716 ASPHE Why are there no cups in the breakroom? #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay


Text - ĀmYstery @VeiledHeart_ #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay Me: sorry.. I'm late.. Them: you pregnant? Congratulations! Me: .... Them:


Text - matt @mrl_386 Do you want to get together after work #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay


Text - Lisa Lemon @mseric21 Is that a flask in your back pocket? Cuz I wouldn't blame you with your job. #StrangeThingsCoworkersSay *It was actually just my wallet and everyone I work with gives me condolences for what I do

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