Saturday, December 19, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Three Repetitive Types of Female Characters

Tumblr is generally the place where people get exhaustive about the annoying types of characters they see over and over again in books, tv and movies. Movies are a business and we tend to not question repetition, like these very limited types of movie posters. For some, these characters are so unrealistic that it takes away from the story. It's a bit like this Twitter thread making fun of how male authors describe women.


Text - phantomrose96 Follow Women: "Hey, can we hire fewer blatant misogynists to direct and create media? We'd support that." Nerdy Male Director: "Well-spoken. Have you considered hiring me, a man who is afraid of women?"


Text - phantomrose96 Follow Nerdy Male Director: "She had many masculine traits, like eating 10 hamburgers at once and wrestling Russian mercenaries while never going over 112 pounds. She learned these skills from her many fathers and brothers, never from a male partner or friend, as that may suggest she has some autonomous sexual history. No, men were all too afraid of her, except for me who has mistaken my fem-dom fetish for respect. If I met her in real like l'd hate her for rejecting me with


Text - phantomrose96 Follow Nerdy Male Director: "She was quirky and spontaneous and unfathomable. She was completely disarmed and alluring and so full of sunshine. She wanted to be by my side at all times no matter how much I shrugged her off, pained by my history of real women with adult- minds who wouldn't put up with my unbearable personality. She was a golden retriever. But a human one, with boobs and legs. I made a dog into a woman and she is my dream girl. I have a degree in literature."


Text - phantomrose96 Follow Nerdy Male Director: "She was a strong, feminist woman who was the ruler of this matriarchal nation. So strong, and so cold, and so emotionless, because i cannot figure out what sort of emotions or feelings a woman in power would have. I hate her because she is the bitter old screen-writing professor who gave me a D- on my manuscript about a sad 20 year old man finding himself through a series of prostitute encounters. She is violently killed on screen, and it is cath

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