Sunday, December 27, 2020

Guy Teaches A Lesson To Handicap Spot Hog

You see it over and over again, someone parks like a jackass, then finds that someone can be a jackass right back to them. This guy who wasted an illegally parked Karen's time is another good example. People will never learn when it comes to this stuff, which is why people keep having to step in.


Text - Posted by u/nunya__bidness 13 hours ago The idiot and the handicapped parking spot When I was attending school (adult education career training) one of my classmates Bob had an artificial leg. Other than walking with a limp and not being able to stand for long periods you wouldn't really notice. He had a large van and handicapped plates but unless he had to he didn't always use the handicapped parking spots leaving them for people who really needed them.


Text - So one winter day it had snowed the day before and the parking lot had been plowed but was very icy and not at all safe for someone like him to walk on. As he pulled in at 8:30 for the 9:00 morning class he saw someone parked in a handicapped spot. Bob checked the license plates and looked for a hanging placard on the rear view mirror. Nothing. So he parked sideways behind the car blocking it in. About 30 minutes into class a young guy came in and interrupted the instructor and asked who


Text - Bob told him that now was not a convenient time and that when class was over in 90 minutes he'd be happy to move it. When the guy said that it was not an appropriate answer Bob replied that parking in a handicapped parking spot in an icy parking lot was not an appropriate action. The guy was highly agitated and Bob was totally unsympathetic. The guy went through the usual excuses. I was only going to an appointment in the office and wasn't going to be that long Yada Yada Yada. Bob remaine


Text - Bottom line, we went back to working on our lab assignment, guy sat in his car pissed off and listening to his radio. At 11:00 after slowly packing up everything we went out to head off to lunch. Bob moved his van and the guy flipped us off and screamed some choice comments about our parentage and sexual proclivities and peeled out of the parking lot very late to his interview. His prospective employer learned something about the guy's reliability and hopefully he was smart enough not to


Text - Also hopefully he learned a lesson about parking in handicapped parking spots but somehow I doubt it. TL:DR idiot parked in handicapped spot illegally. My buddy who had a legitimate need for the spot blocked him in and refused to move until we got a break in our class schedule making the idiot very late for a job interview. Don't try to out asshole Bob over a handicapped parking spot. He's had a lot of practice.

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