Sunday, December 27, 2020

Bridezilla Worried Bridesmaid's Chemotherapy Will Ruin Wedding

This bridezilla just soared to the top of delusional and terribly toxic individuals that we've seen involved in weddings. Yikes. Apparently the bride was worried about the bridesmaid in this scenario, ruining her wedding day because of her chemotherapy, and hair loss. You've got to be kidding me. 


Text - Hey girls I have something I need to run by y'all. So Mader didn't have cancer whenl invited her to be my bridesmaid but now I'm having second thoughts about her being in the wedding. Like, she mentioned the other day that her hair has started to fall out a bit and I noticed that it was looking thinner than normal. I just can't


Text - envision having all you beautiful ladies up there with me looking fabulous and then Mader with no hair. I just feel like itll distract from me and and I just feel it won't fit with the look l'm going for. Do you think I could ask her to wear a wig? Or should I tell her I don't think she should be a bridesmaid anymore? Help lol Wtf, are you serious right now???


Text - I will no longer Hey be attending your wedding as a bridesmaid or guest. It has come to my attention that you are concerned about me potentially losing my hair and how that will affect the "aesthetic" of your wedding/ photos/vibe. I would just HATE for my chemotherapy treatment and the resulting side effects to


Text - and the resulting side effects to negatively affect you and your wedding day so I will not be attending. Apparently I really should have read the fine print on my chemotherapy treatments because I read about the expected side effects of nausea, exhaustion, neuropathy, etc. but I somehow missed the mention that it would cause my "friend" to become such an insensitive, self-centered and heartless douchebaggette.


Text - Did stell you? I really didn't mean it in a negative way! I just wasn't expecting you to get cancer and lose your hair when I asked you to be my bridesmaid and now its hard to see that with my vision of my wedding day. I've been dreaming about this day since I was a little girl and I've always had a vision of what it would look like and the photos to


Text - remember it by. I'd be totally fine with you wearing a wig! Could make a day of it and go shopping for one Or you could at least still attend the wedding as my guest. It would mean the world to me to have you there! OMG, you are so right! I can't imagine how unexpected it must have been for YOU to find out that I had cancer. How selfish of me and my hair to not consider that. I will certainly sit down with my rapidly depleting


Text - realize what it was doing to your vision for your wedding. And thank you for being totally fine with me wearing a wig, that's just so gosh darn considerate of you, maybe I can get a clown wig to match your delusional ass. But instead of making a day out of wig shopping, I propose that instead we make a day of you walking barefoot across an endless sea of legos. And I would hate to have my shiny


Text - bald, Mr. Clean head, take away from your amazing day in any way as a guest. And besides,I have a psychic who has enquired about using my head that day as a crystal ball so booked pretty solid . Though I will miss the opportunity to chemo-vomit in your bouquet, this is me officially RSVPing- Not attending on account of you being a soggy pop tart. Delivered


Text - enquired about using my head that day as a crystal ball so booked pretty solid. Though I will miss the opportunity to chemo-vomit in your bouquet, this is me officially RSVPing- Not attending on account of you being a soggy pop tart. Please don't be like this. I really didn't mean it in a mean way, just being honest. I'd really like for you to be there for my big day


Text - Of the 2 people in this conversation who need to re- evaluate the way they're acting, I'm certainly not it. I sincerely hope that every future shopping cart that you push has that one rogue wheel. May your pillow never be cold when you flip it over and let the strings on your hoodies be forever uneven. Goodnight Delivered

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