Thursday, December 24, 2020

Design Fail Gives Guy's Game Crazy Amounts of Dislikes

To be clear, the gameplay itself didn't warrant all the dislikes, but a very small design fail gave this game developer a big shock. It should provide at least a little peace of mind to find out that you didn't create something as universally hated as you thought. For some game related humor, here are some gaming memes.


Text - O r/tifu - Posted by 2 3 8 Awards from GenSul... u/SteroidsOnAsteroid 6 hours ago TIFU by making my webgame one of the most disliked in Russia M Obligatory it didn't happen today, however I realized my idiocy today. I am a small game developer part-time (I also have a regular job). Since more than 1 year I have been working alone on a puzzle-platformer that I've been thinking of for 2 years.


Text - It's a labor of love. After about a year of hard work, I had something that I was proud of, and that I considered ready for release. It's a web game and when you release a web game, what you usually do is that you put it on a game portal. Maybe you remember flash game portals where office workers were slacking off on in the 00's (personally for me it was at school). Well they are still a thing except games are not made in flash anymore, but the idea is the same. Also, when you are a web g


Text - So anyway, I was ready to release my game, a bit apprehensive of course, I managed to get my game on a couple portals including a huge russian one. In Russia, my game got wrecked. Everybody hated it. My game is a 0.8/10. I'm not kidding, I don't think there is a worse game on this portal. It felt like shit, and I was very puzzled. Today, I showed it to a colleague at my normal job, explaining to him that russians hated my game. I clicked fullscreen. Then I noticed it. The downvote button


Text - 822 =87


Text - So here I am, a bumbling idiot. Where any scammer in his right mind would have used this trick for evil and profit, instead I tricked them into burning me to the ground. TL;DR: spent more than a year making a game, released it on a Russian game portal where the restart button was right under the downvote button. Everybody restarted, everybody downvoted and now I am the proud maker on the worst web game in Russia

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