Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Coworker Tosses Package In Bin, Unknowingly Triggers Life Alert

Let this be a lesson to all that we need to be ever mindful of what we're throwing away. This coworker casually tossed away a seemingly innocent package, and went on to ignite a full on life emergency alert. Well, you live and learn. 


Text - r/tifu + Join u/Dr-Wankenstein • 16h TIFU by tossing a package M So this happened last week, you know in the midst of all the Christmas chaos. I work for one of those delivery companies that's rather well known world wide. I should also point out that It was my coworkers fault and not mine. Anyway I had just finished unloading my truck and was depositing my "ground packages" into it's proper bin and taking care of my paper work when there's a commotion coming from the front of the station


Text - In comes marching the paramedics and fire department looking for an injured man with the name (for anonymity we will call him "Jon Snow." I know not very original or cool anymore, but with my newfound time l've invested in audiobooks. I'm already on book 4. ) Anyway I tell them "oh hang on, there's no injury I know of. Let me go ask my station supervisor." (I know good lil worker bee me. But seeing as l've been back at the station for a total of 5 minutes, I don't know wtf is going on) So


Text - Jim " What? No, there's been no accident here. Well the shop just closed up, let's make sure there's no one in the customer area." So he leads the paramedics around the station looking for Mr. Snow. Jim proceeds to come back into the loading dock as we are in the middle of our evening sort and have 10 or so minutes to get the truck out to the ramp. "Well there's no Mr. Snow here." That's when another coworker chimes in and says "Oh you're looking for Mr. Jon Snow? I had a package for him


Text - It's a fricken life alert that was pressed, triggered or sounded when it was tossed into the bin. Paramedics "huh well, first time for everything I suppose. Glad no one's hurt and my supervisor is not going to believe this story. And that my friends is why you shouldn't throw packages . Tldr: my coworker threw a package in a bin in the midst of the Christmas chaos, unknowingly triggered a life alert summoning the paramedics and fire department. 333 25 ↑, Share

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Tagged: employee , job , coworkers , tifu , Reddit

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