Sunday, November 8, 2020

Manager Lies To Employee, Employee Embarrasses Manager

Man, this manager sounds like a slimy, lying piece of work. They totally led their employee on with the whole commission structure, but their employee had the nerve to call them out when it all came down to it. Being able to turn that letter of resignation in right when everything came to a head must've been immensely satisfying.


Text - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/DownrightDrewski • 2d Idiot manager lies to new employee, and then gets made to look silly in front of most of his team. I was working at a dodgy retail place where l'd been told I could earn commission, and they'd told me how that worked. You had to hit a particular figure, but once you had you got commission on everything (I was very careful to clarify that this included the threshold amount, not just everything over that figure). The figure was pretty high for w


Text - This place was miserable, it was basically a high street pawn shop in the UK - and the manager was an utter cockwomble. However; I was young, needed a job and thought I could earn ok money with commission. Get a couple of weeks in and I hit the threshold for the first time - great! Keep hitting it in the following weeks whilst I'm waiting for that first paycheck with my nice little commission bonus pay to start rolling in. I get the first pay slip with the commission, my jaw drops and cru


Text - I wrote my letter of resignation accepting that I had to give a week's notice and then work it. Annoying, but not really an issue. I did think it would be fun to call him on it though, and not just in private, but in front of as many staff as possible. Fortunately we had a daily "staff meeting" where we basically stood around for a couple if minutes - perfect time. At the end of the day I seize my chance Me = me CWM = cockwomble manager: Me "Why did you tell me commission was on the full


Text - Me "Yes you did, if you remember I specifically clarified this with you - it's the main reason I took the job" CWM "I didn't say that" shouting a bit by this point Me "Yes you did, I wouldn't be here if you hadn't" CWM "You're calling me a liar? You're fired! Me "Funny that, I was about to give you this" I then pulled out my letter of notice and showed it to him - to my immense satisfaction this was met with a round of applause from most of the rest of the staff. The best bit though? Beca

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