Sunday, November 8, 2020

Entitled Influencer Expects Free Lodging, Owner Shuts Her Down

Man oh man, these entitled human beings and their unyielding series of demands just keep on coming out of the woodwork. It seems as if it'll never end. We'll always have the next person ready to ruin an otherwise reasonable and peaceful series of negotiations with nothing short of pure delusional entitlement. In this case, we have an influencer who expects free accommodations in exchange for offering the hotel some exposure. Let's just say she was not nearly established enough for that to even be within the realm of consideration. 

Check out some more absurd demands of entitled people over here.

1. It all starts with a wonderful, entitled email.

Text - Hi there, I hope this email finds you well. I'm emailing in regards to a possible collaboration on social media - my name is I work as a social media influencer, mainly lifestyle, beauty & travel based. I have over 87.000 YouTube subscribers (here: as well as 76 000 Instagram followers -


Text - My partner and I are planning to come to Dublin for an early Valentines Day weekend from Feb 8th - 12th to explore the area. As I was searching for places to stay, I came across your stunning hotel and would love to feature you in my YouTube videos/dedicated Instagram stories/posts to bring traffic to your hotel and recommend others to book up in return for free accommodation. Last year I worked with Universal Orlando in Florida and it's been amazing for them! Let me know if this is somet

3. And then, here comes the boom from a fed up owner.

Text - The White Moose Café WHE MOO 16 January 2018 * Dear Social Influencer (I know your name but apparently it's not important to use names), Thank you for your email looking for free accommodation in return for exposure. It takes a lot of balls to send an email like that, if not much self-respect and dignity.


Text - If I let you stay here in return for a feature in your video, who is going to pay the staff who look after you? Who is going to pay the housekeepers who clean your room? The waiters who serve you breakfast? The receptionist who checks you in? Who is going to pay for the light and heat you use during your stay? The laundering of your bed sheets? The water rates? Maybe I should tell my staff they will be featured in your video in lieu of receiving payment for work carried out while you're i


Text - Lucky for us, we too have a significant social media following. We have 186k followers on our two Facebook pages, an estimated 80k on our Snapchat, 32k on Instagram and a paltry 12k on our Twitter, but Jesus Christ, I would never in a million years ask anyone for anything for free. I also blog a bit which as far as I'm aware is another way of saying "write stuff on the internet". The above stats do not make me any better than anyone else or afford me the right to not pay for something eve


Text - In future, l'd advise you to offer to pay your way like everyone else, and if the hotel in question believes your coverage will help them, maybe they'll give you a complimentary upgrade to a suite. This would show more self-respect on your part and, let's face it, it would be less embarrassing for you. Here is a little video | produced which you may learn from:


White - Best regards, Paul Stenson P.S. The answer is no. O 42K 11K comments 5K shares

8. After the owner faced some backlash, they doubled down.

Text - The White Moose Café WHI MOOS 17 January 2018 - * **ALL BLOGGERS BANNED FROM OUR BUSINESS** Following the backlash received after asking an unidentified blogger to pay for a hotel room, I have taken the decision to ban all bloggers from our hotel and cafe.


Text - The sense of entitlement is just too strong in the blogging community and the nastiness, hissy fits and general hate displayed after one of your members was not granted her request for a freebie is giving your whole industry a bad name. I never thought we would be inundated with negative reviews for the simple reason that somebody was required to pay for goods received or services rendered.


Text - The girl in question was never identified in my original post, but she herself went on to create a video explaining how she was "exposed" with "malicious intent" for asking for a freebie. This kind of victimization is very prevalent in the blogging industry, and is in keeping with their general modus operandi of wanting everything for nothing.


Text - If any of you attempt to enter our premises from now on, you will be ejected. Many thanks, Paul Stenson P.S. Perhaps if you went out and got real jobs you'd be able to pay for goods and services like everybody else. Just a thought! 51K 7.4K comments 1.5K shares

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