Thursday, November 19, 2020

Complaints That Made Customer Service Workers Snap

It's as if some people are truly born into this world with no shame. Take the guy who continually pestered the waitress about having an under-poured beer, was proven wrong, and then still had the shameless audacity to demand a refund from there. It takes a certain kind of nasty person to go out of their way to make someone working customer service detest their job more than they already (likely) do. 


Text - Kels 000 @Keally22 Customer service workers what is the complaint that broke you? I'm 18, Red Robin host, Mother's Day 10 min after open. Only 1 section open, I seat 3 families. Instantly cussed out hard bc I ruined Karen in white jeans Mother's Day bc they could see other people from their table


Text - Kels @Keally22 Replying to @Keally22 Honorable mentions: anyone with kids 1. Ur group isnt 4 people, it's 4 adults and 3 kids and ur high chair will need a sling so that's a 8 top right there 2. DONT HOLD UR BABY OVER THE SNEEZE GUARD SO THEY CAN GRAB FOOD FROM THE LINE? 3. Dont put ur baby ON the sneeze guard


Text - Amanda 00 @Uhmanduhoh Replying to @Keally22 I had a dude demean me and say horrible things about the incompetence of all the batistas where I worked for sometimes forgetting the three lines of sauce on his drink and I was shaking so bad when I went to give him his drink it caught a mat and tipped


Text - Amanda @Uhmanduhoh Replying to @Uhmanduhoh and @Keally22 It spilled ONE DROP and I said don't worry ill remake it and he said "Yeah, you will." Then did a slow clap when I gave him the second drink


Text - Lindy Fraker @lindy_fraker 000 Replying to @Keally22 When covid first started, I had a customer repeat the tone of everything I said back to me with obnoxious noises bc he said that's what I sounded like with my mask on. He didn't even listen to me & made me repeat it all once he got bored of making fun of me


Text - hancake 000 @bowserstanacct Replying to @CapriCornyCait and @Keally22 one day i burst into tears bc a lady called me a dumb bitch bc we charged for large waters just sent me home after then my manager


Text - Charlie Griffin 000 @fcgriff_ Replying to @Keally22 1/One time at mcdonalds, a woman asked for a plain cheeseburger, so I made a plain cheeseburger. She ended up sending it back like 5 times before it got back to the kitchen that she screamed at out cashier that she wanted a cheeseburger w/o cheese. Fought w my bro abt how it


Text - flippy floppy @annikarainbow 00 Replying to @Keally22 Lmao red robin is the worst. One time I had a woman complain that "her salad was cold". I also had one customer tell me they were "allergic to ice" when I brought them iced water and then they dumped the water on the floor 60


Text - - sammi,- @youreonederful 00 Replying to @Keally22 (1/?) I was a carhop at sonic, I was the ONLY one working at night, alone outside. I took an order out to 2 guys, it was fine, they didn't tip me but that's so normal I didn't even care. A few minutes later my manager answered the box and I guess they asked me to go back out


Text - sammi,- @youreonederful 000 Replying to @youreonederful and @Keally22 Also, once I got gas before work in a "I had to wear and paid with cash at the counter because my moped only needed like $2 The ADULT MAN (I was literally 16) was like "oh do you work at sonic" and I was like "haha no I just really like sonic" and left sonic" shirt we


Text - Ferretus Emeritus 00 @Stephstrikesbac Replying to @Keally22 I'm 16, bagging groceries at Kroger. This lady is not watching her kid, he climbs up on the belt. I tell him to get down, he does. Then bites me. I tell this lady her kid bit me, she screams at me for interrupting her phone call.


Text - chels-mas 00 @_ChelseaChelsea Replying to @samgo98 and @Keally22 One time at an ice cream shop I worked at in HS a woman claimed I didn't give her "the good ice cream you keep in the back" and demanded I remake her shake so I took it, walked into the freezer, stood there for 3-4 minutes, then walked back out. She sips it, smugly walks off.


Text - Laurazepam @andlikelaura 000 Replying to @Keally22 20 yrs old, working at hot dog on a stick. guy loses his mind at me cause we were out of whatever he wanted and grabs a display lemonade jug (empty thankfully) and throws it at me.


Text - lizzypulitzer @lizzypulitzer Replying to @Keally22 Junior year of college, one of my professors that didn't recognize me yelled at me because we only had her favorite beer bottled, not on tap. She stormed out of the restaurant when the manager said he could pour the bottle into a glass for least its funny now


Text - Kyle Y @KylePlantEmoji 000 Replying to @Keally22 Customer at Best Buy was mad we were selling Grand Theft Auto: the Ballad of Gay Tony Because it was inappropriate That was the only Grand Theft Auto game he complained about


Text - .Position Obvious. 000 @PositionObvious Replying to @Keally22 GameStop: -customer threw a Xbox at an employees head -someone let their kid knock every game off the bottom shelf of our store. We tried to stop him & she screamed at us for telling him "no". It took us 3 hours to put it back. She brought him back the next day to do it again.


Text - @tinderdistrict Replying to @Keally22 i worked at a bakery in college and a woman threw a temper tantrum on me because we dyed our red velvet cake with food dye instead of "organic beet juice"


Text - That's Not Mustard @thatsnotmustard 000 Replying to @Keally22 Customer ordered small drinks for her kids, yelled at HS me because as they sat and ate, she determined medium drinks would have been a better value. She was right, but I wasn't sure if it was my place to negotiate her order as she placed it, and there were free refills anyway.


Text - Kimberly W. @kimberlysarah16 00 Replying to @Keally22 Not a complaint at me but I was doing the small talk at my register and tried to relate to a woman who said she was stressed out and she said, "I'm stressed out because l'm important. I'm not just some cashier." It was years ago and I've never forgotten how small I felt.


Text - Good GOD, Lemon @CTTrekkie 00 Replying to @tinderdistrict and @Keally22 Delivering pizza, a woman threatened to call the police because her husband tipped me too much while drunk, and my boss made me drive back to give her the money back


Text - hancake @bowserstanacct Replying to @Keally22 a lady tried to get me fired n screamed at me because i closed the drive thru and then another lady tried to get me fired bc i told her that extra sauce was extra


Text - samantha BLM 000 @swilse_ Replying to @Keally22 My first job was at a local pizza joint making salads and sandwiches. Had a middle aged man scream at me because I forgot to put the free pack of crackers in his to- go salad.


Text - Tay * @taylorkiwi 000 Replying to @Keally22 I work at a golf course. I kindly asked a member not to move the patio chairs around as it was a covid rule. She proceeded to lick her hands and touch ALL the chairs on the patio as a "joke". Her friends did not laugh. I did not laugh.


Text - HellolmAce 000 @ragnarokjatszo Replying to @Keally22 easy i was also a host, this group of middle aged woman came in, one of them with a baby, they asked about vegan options, we didnt have any, so they left, which would be normal if their parting words were not "sorry, the baby is vegan."


Text - Samara 00 @samgo98 Replying to @Keally22 A customer ordered a milkshake. It "wasn't cold enough" so we tell her we'll get her a new one but we just go pour the same one in a new glass, put a new straw and new garnish and bring it back and she goes "much better, this is how a milkshake should be"


Text - Meaghan Mountford @DecoratedCookie 00 Replying to @Keally22 So many stories. I was a cookie decorator and got yelled out by a wealthy mom (who was using her "play money" to throw her 2yo a birthday party) because the icing didn't exactly match the pantone color of the invitation.


Text - Meaghan Mountford @DecoratedCookie 00 Replying to @Keally22 Also, my (only) greatest comeback was when a man wanted Christmas cookies NOW even though lexplained they need to be baked, decorated, and left to overnight to dry. He told me "money can buy anything." I told him, "money can't alter the time-space continuum."


Text - Meg Caddy @MegCaddyAuthor Replying to @Keally22 Woman yelled at me because there were no jeans in the style she wanted. I work at a bookshop.


Text - bread museum @goatbody1 Replying to @Keally22 A guy repeatedly complained about how his beer had been underpoured. I grabbed a measuring jug from the bar, filled a beer glass w water, and showed him it was 500ml. His friends all laughed at him. Then when he came to pay, demanded a refund * shameless!

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