Saturday, October 31, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Customers' Mythically Powerful Coffee Orders

The life of a barista is a weird one. When every customer you have is someone who hasn't had their first coffee of the day, there's no knowing what kind of people can lumber in. Some take on the challenge and become a barista that's the living definition of chaotic good. Others just stand in awe and watch a 46-year-old woman drink 8 Red Bulls worth of caffeine in a single swig.


Text - katjohnadams Actual conversation I had at register: Hi, welcome to [Starbucks]! What can I get you, today?" "How much is it to fill a Venti with Espresso?" 1-I'm sorry?" "A venti cup. How much to fill it with Espresso?" "Oh. uh. Well, it'd be I suppose.. I only have a button for a Quad. I don't have special pricing for twenty ounces of espresso in a single.. drink." "Price is the furthest thing from my mind right now. How many 'add shots is that?" *deep breath of fear* "If'd be a quad wit


Text - "How many can I add?" Futile though it is, at least I know the rote response to this. "For health reasons, we won't add more than one per drink and we cannot sell the packets individually." "One then." I alter the order and tell her the new price. She pays, dumps the change and five golden dollars into the tip box. I write the order on the venti cup and pass it silently to the girl working the hot beverage station. Normally we called and pass, but this was . not something to be spoken alo


Text - m4ge i walk into starbucks and order a pumpkin spice latte with 13 shots of espresso. i tell the barista that i intend to transcend humanity and become a god. i ask for no whip cream avantgaye you say this jokingly but i had a customer actually order a pumpkin spice latte with 9 shots of espresso (also no whip) and when i asked her to verify that she did indeed want 9 shots of espresso she looked me dead in the eyes and said i have 5 kids" witchcraft-with-space-bean I once had a woman com


Text - smartassjen Okay, Starbucks lore is my new favorite genre of literature. Please collect all these and more into a book. thesadanon @peach-orange-juice betaslovelythings ..I thought Venti Espresso Cryptid was a fever dream my manager had. Good lord. manafromheaven I had a man like that when i worked at j bean. Ordered so many shots in one drink i worried for his health. Wore a replica of wolverines leather jumpsuit from the first xmen movie and drove a 3 wheeled motorcycle he was def a tri

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